Fights and Meetings

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"Or at least, I felt like it."


Waking up on the dirt ground wasn't all that great for a first night on the run - not that I'm not complaining or anything, I was just hoping that maybe I'd wake up on a mattress inside the building, like Optimus had cared enough for my well being that he brought there.

But then I'd wonder how I got there, and if last night was a dream. So I think waking up on the dirt ground was better.

I looked around to see where he was, but he was nowhere in sight. Maybe he'd gone out again to look around.

I stood up, dusted myself off, and walked back to the gas station. Slowly, I opened the door and crept inside.

Cade was sitting at a computer, watching some video. Probably something about science.

"Hey." I said, making him jump a bit.

"Oh hey," he said. And after a pause, "MK."

I smiled and put my arm around his shoulder. "What are you doing up? Did you
wake up early or something?"

"Um." He turned off the monitor and turned his head to look at me. "Something like that."


"Alright," he sighed. "I haven't slept yet."

I shook my head, still smiling. "Go sleep, we're gonna have a long day tomorrow."

"But I still have to pack this stuff up." He reached for an empty box under the table and put it on top.

"Is it important?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so..."

"Then I'll do it." I said. "Get some sleep."

"If you say so." He got up and ruffled my hair, heading for the nearest bed. "Night."

Once he left, I put the computer in the box. I put in a projector, too, just in case this had something to do with the video he was watching. Whatever the video was. I didn't look.

I set the box down on the counter sat on one of the stools. I glanced up at the clock, which pretty much stated: "It's fragging three in the morning, the Pit you doin' awake? Get back to bed, early bird."

But I didn't feel tired anymore. I slept pretty early. And I think I skipped dinner, too, now that I think about it.

Now that I think about it. How in the world were we going to eat? We're fugitives. We couldn't go to the store and buy take out like we use to. It wasn't going to work like that anymore.

We were gonna have to steal.

Which I - honestly - didn't want to do. But it's not like I have a choice. I had to do whatever I had to do to take care of my family, even if it did mean breaking the law.

It isn't like we're the ones at fault, anyway - it's the stupid government's fault. We were just being kind. Kind. Something most humans weren't.

Here, I decided my faith.

I'm going to die fighting for what's right, even if most people don't agree with it.

And siding with the Autobots is what I think - what I'm sure - is right.

. . .

It was when the sun took it's place that everyone woke up. I fiddled with a light and a few wires that I found.

"Did you pack it?" Cade asked as he sat at the counter.

"Yeah, I did." I said, not looking at him.

The Last Of Us (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon