Chapter Eleven

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"Wow,this has alot of negative energy" Grams says. Bonnie watches as her grandma gets some herbs.

"Where'd you get this from anyways?" Bonnie ask Camryn. It was very risky coming into the Bennet home with Vicki being able to visit her anytime,but Camryn felt safe like Vicki couldn't get to her here.

Clearing her throat,she speaks up. "I got it from a spirit"

Grams comes back and shakes her head. "I knew this looked familiar. This lets a spirit possess the living wearing this. Whatever spirit you got it from,got it from a witch"

"It was Vicki and she told me she wanted Matt to be able to say goodbye to her one last time" Camryn replies

"Don't do it cause after she gains control of your body,the only way to stop her from getting revenge is to kill your body" Bonnie frowns and Camryn bites her lip nervously.

She didn't wanna die but she couldn't betray Vicki without her knowing. "How do I vanquish her and stop getting these visits?"

Sheila Bennet starts mixing things together and soon gets a knife and dips it into the mix. It absorbs into the knife and the knife starts getting markings. "Here child. When you let her know that you aren't doing it and she finds a way to possess you anyways,stab yourself with this and it should send her straight to hell"

Camryn grabs the knife and felt power surging through it. She puts it back in the case that Sheila had it in and nods. "Thank you Grams"

Bonnie speaks up. "How are you able to see ghosts anyways?" Camryn shrugs because she honestly didn't know.

"That's another thing I came here for. I also wanted to know how I can feel others emotions and know when something is positive or negative?"

Bonnie hums. "What else do you feel?"

Sheila speaks up. "Camryn dear,do you also feel when something is powerful or weak?"

Camryn nods and is amazed at Sheila being able to know. "Yes I do actually"

"I'm thinking your special like me and Bonnie but not quite a witch. No one is supposed to be able to see ghosts but yet you do" She says. Grams gets up to get a book and comes back. She flips through pages and stops on one and shows Camryn a picture of a girl with all white eyes who is floating with a bright glow around her.

"Who is that?" Camryn and Bonnie say in Unison.

Grams smiles. "That is the first god that came to earth and showed the beginning of mankind what she could do. Once people made up their mind that no one that special and gifted could exist,they tried to banish and kill her. It didn't work of course because she ended up dating a mortal and getting pregnant. She ran off into the mountains and raised her child there-"

Camryn spoke up. "How were more people like her born?"

"I'm getting to that part child"

Bonnie pondered for a moment. "How were witches even created?"

Grams shushed them before continuing. "Her family from above didn't approve because they believed there needed to be balance and structure. They shocked her and her child with lightning making the creation of Heroes. That meant one would be born either every two thousand years,a decade,or even every full moon. It was a wild card basically,and when a family member found out,they vowed to have multiple kids until another Hero was born"

"Did it work?" They asked curious about the story. Grams shook her head. "Nope. And once,two of the siblings in that family line had kids" She took a sip of tea. "The gods weren't happy about that and planned to punish them by cursing them. The curse meant that it was even harder to birth Hero's so eventually they all moved on. But then your dad was born and your grandparents thought that he would be a hero-"

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