Chapter Ten

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Why the hell would she come here like this. Camryn thought to herself. Ms.Donovan was drunk as a skunk and was currently sitting infront of the casket while sipping out of a flask. Matt looked embarrassed sitting next to her while Camryn didn't see their dad at all.

Elena was sitting in the front row also,right next to Matt for moral support. Tyler was next to Elena,Bonnie next to Tyler,and Caroline next to Bonnie. Camryn was sitting in the third row because she felt too guilty to be near any of them.

Eventually they went outside to lower the casket and Camryn glanced up to see Damon and Stefan watching from afar. She was about to walk over to Damon when she suddenly heard a cry. Kelly Donovan was bawling her eyes out and grabbing air as they lowered the coffin deeper into the ground. Matt was holding her while tears silently left his eyes. Camryn frowned and her eyes teared at the sight. Jeremy stormed off and everyone else stood awkwardly.

Once the funeral was over,Caroline approached her. "Pretty eventful huh"

Camryn sighed. "Yeah it was. I never thought I would be at Vicki's funeral this year"

Caroline looked at the ground. "I know what you mean sis. But it was a good thing you walked your shortcut way to the falls"

Guilt was something Camryn felt easily. The fact that she was there and basically the reason Vicki is dead,was coming out again at Caroline's words. Nausea,and the feeling of dizziness hit her hard. "I have to go" She ran off as fast as she could and puked behind the farthest tree. Vicki wasn't her friend and she couldn't stand her,but she went to her funeral out of respect.

"You killed me!" Camryn jumped and tripped. Looking above her,she saw no one other than Vicki glaring down at her.

"V-Vicki?" Camryn whispered. Vicki's glared faltered slightly and she blinked dumbfounded.

She leaned against the tree. "You can see me"

Camryn nodded and slowly got up. Wow,even dead Vicki was taller. "Am I hallucinating?"

Vicki rolled her eyes at the girl. "Does it look like you are?"

"Guess not" Camryn gagged and quickly threw up again.

Camryn felt Vicki staring at her and shivered when she felt Vicki put a hand on her arm. "Your really sick" But she couldn't hear her anymore.

Flashes of Vicki possessing her and wreaking havoc filled her mind. Camryn slowly backed away from her as Vicki just stared. "Get away from me"

"I'm dead because of you so until you help me with one last thing,i'm not leaving" At first Camryn probably would've said yes because she felt guilty but after seeing that,she knew not to trust her. She didn't know how she got possessed by Vicki cause a ghost couldn't just jump into a body.

"Why are you blaming me for this when your the one who almost killed me?!" Camryn covered her mouth after she raised her voice and felt stares behind her back. Vicki laughed deeply and Camryn could practically feel the vibration.

Soon enough Vicki deadpanned. "Damon only attacked me because you stopped talking to him. After that he kept feeding from me and eventually turned me. Then I tried to kill Logan completing my 'transition' and soon enough Halloween came. I was planning to turn and run away with Jeremy but it's your friend's fault he didn't even wanna kiss me. So I was compelling him when Stefan and Elena came,and well you know the rest-"

She did because that's when she arrived. Before she can say something,Damon tapped on her. "You alright?" He asked gently.

Camryn nodded and slowly stepped away so he couldn't smell her breath. "I just didn't feel well" A acid bubble formed in her throat causing her to hiccup. Damon studied her and looked behind her when she turned around.

And Vicki leaves. Camryn thinks to herself. "Who were you talking too?"

"No one,i'm gonna go ride with Caroline to the grill" Camryn walked away and felt Damon grab her.

Damon didn't like how Camryn had bags under her eyes and looked pale. She seemed paranoid and him and Stefan heard her talking to someone but no one is here. "You know i'm here for you if you need anything"

Camryn swallows and nods her head. "Yeah I do. I'll see you later" She felt his grip weaken and started to walk away.

Damon frowned slightly and was watching her leave.

She sighed and turns to face him again. Damon stares back and she gives him a tight hug. "Thank you for being here" Damon wraps his arms around her immediately and relishes in her natural honey scent.

He says nothing but continues to hug her. Camryn slowly retracts from him and jogs toward Caroline. Caroline gives him a glance before walking away with her sister.

"You like her don't you" Stefan says behind him.

Damon ignores him and starts walking.


Camryn jumps out of her sleep. Another nightmare yet again. She thought after finally having Vicki's funeral,the nightmares would stop. But then Vicki started visiting her so now their more frequent. Rolling her eyes,she looks towards her door and turns her lamp on. Vicki is standing infront of the door.

"You know i've been patient but now i'm starting to get mad"

Camryn sighs. "I told you to let me think about it"

"Exactly! and it's been days since my funeral" Says Vicki impatiently.

Camryn can feel the anger radiating off of Vicki in waves. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"

Vicki smiles and Camryn doesn't like the look in her eyes. "I need you to let me say goodbye to Matt one last time"

"How would you be able to do that?" Camryn rubs her eyes sleepily.

She gets a smirk in return. "You have to wear this and let Matt know that he has to talk to me one last time"

This sounded fishy. That necklace also looked very creepy. It was silver with a red ruby that glowed when Camryn grabbed it. Suddenly she felt negative energy from it and got flashes of her in the cemetery screaming as she attacked Stefan and Damon. Another flash she got was of her limp on the ground with the necklace broken in pieces. "I'm in"

Camryn had a plan and needed atleast one day before she does what Vicki wants. She does not wanna end up dying like in that vision. "Make sure you put the necklace on when you wake up in the morning. I'll be back at Midnight"

"Wait,can we do this on Friday Vicki?" Camryn whispers. Vicki stands up straighter.

"Why?" Camryn swallows

"Because today is Thursday and I promised Elena that I would spend the night with her because we have to talk about something" Vicki stares at her and groans.

"Fine but it better be Friday"

"It will" Camryn says. Vicki disappears and Camryn hears her alarm beeping. Great.

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