I raised a brow. "Cozy?" Did I look that out of it?

"Okay, maybe we need to explain," Amber said. "See, Victor is...kind of a loner. He hangs out with nearly everybody, but never connects with anyone on a personal level."

"Yeah, he's like, secretive," Anya supplied. "No one has ever been in his car before, and he doesn't enter anyone else's. And he definitely doesn't take a girl out to lunch."

"He doesn't even eat lunch," Derek added, "far as anyone can tell."

"I think that about sums me up."

We all turned to find Victor standing behind me, his arms crossed and his eyes amused. His usual smirk didn't seem far away. My friends blushed at being caught gossiping about him. "Belle, meet me after school."

I nodded. "Sure, okay."

He smiled, then turned and left.

The gang laughed. "Wow, Victor in the lunchroom!" Anya gushed. "Just wow, Belle!"

"He ain't the only one interested," Amber said, gesturing.

I turned and found my new Biology desk mate watching me. He was sitting in the middle of the half circle of his gang, on the chair back, his feet on the seat. There was an expression on his face that I couldn't read, only that it was intense. I quickly turned back to my food, my cheeks burning. There was something extraordinary about his eyes - but then again, everything about him was extraordinary.

"Ohhh, she's blushing!" Derek laughed, making me even more uncomfortable.

"Well, hard luck, Belle," Chuck said sympathetically. "He's got Victor's reputation when it comes to girls."

"Actually, none of the girls in this school are good enough for him," Derek corrected acidly.

I looked up at the tone of his voice - he clearly didn't like the guy. "Who is he?"

"That there is His Majesty Lord Warren Strandton," Derek supplied. "Only LGH's basketball captain and a fantasy for the ladies."

"Oh, stop!" Anya chided playfully, then confided, "Derek never forgave Warren for not allowing him onto the team."

And recess was over.

I was packing my bag at my locker after school when I heard Victor calling me. I looked up and saw him in the doorway to the grounds. I smiled and nodded and he left. I went back to packing, ignoring the questioning glances and outright stares I was subjected to by the other students. I hoped they would soon get used to my friendship with him because I didn't like this extra attention. I sighed and hefted my bag, noticing that the hall was emptying rapidly. I tucked my hair behind my ear and closed my locker.

And yelped as a human wall pinned me to my locker and hands pinned my wrists beside my head as securely as steel.

"Hey!" I protested, struggling. "Let go of me!"

"Do desist!"

I froze. Warren's voice was in my ear, low with irritation.


Warren? Wait, desist?

And what was he doing, anyway? This wasn't how I'd imagined our second meeting. I had imagined a grin, a laugh, a conversation. Not irritation. I looked at him, accusing him with my eyes.

"Your scent," he muttered in disgust. "Heed me, Annabelle."

"Belle," I muttered.

"Annabelle," he repeated deliberately. "I came to warn you away from Thorne."

I blinked. Victor? "What?"

"Do not associate with him. He will not be a good friend to you."

I frowned. Why was he dissing Victor? "I pick my own friends."

"Do you habitually conduct this selection so foolishly?"

"What's it to you?" I challenged.

"You should be wary of him," he insisted.

I pointedly glared at first one hand trapping my wrist, then the other, before settling my angry gaze back on him. "Please! Clearly, the only person I should be worried about is you."

"Do not flatter yourself." He stepped back, joining his gang. "You were warned." I tucked my hair back as they walked away, needing a minute to get over the arrogant jerk that was Warren Strandton. I wondered if there was anything to his warning, then I dismissed it. Judging by how hot and popular they both were, there was probably a rivalry at play. One I decided to ignore.

Victor was seated on a concrete table when I got out, his feet on the bench. He looked perfect as he sat motionless, a small smile on his face while he was lost in his own thoughts. He focused and his eyes lit up when I approached, then he helped me up onto the table next to him. "You loading ships in there?" he asked as I set my bag next to me.

I laughed. "No. I just spoke to...someone."

He raised a brow. "Important?"

I waved it aside. "Which lessons do you take? You're not in any of my classes."

"All the others," he smiled.

Warren and his team came onto the fields, on the far end from us. I wondered how a guy so gorgeous could be so arrogant. It was a crime against nature, surely!

Victor vaulted off the table and was next to the lunchroom with a speed I envied. In the next split second, the sun reluctantly peeked through the clouds, showering us in its light. Victor was in shadow. I scrambled off the table and went to him.

"Wow, that was fast!" I commented, coming up to him.

He smiled ruefully. "I should be more careful."

I heard an extra loud squeal and turned. I almost didn't feel Victor take my hand as I watched my friends gang up on Amber, spraying her with water. My gaze drifted, only to land on Warren. He'd separated from the group with a younger guy who I was sure was a sophomore. He was pretty hot, too, and I wondered what it was about this school and enrolling super models. Warren listened to the dark haired boy intently, then he suddenly ran into the forest fringing the school.

"...show you something tonight," Victor was saying.

"Yeah, sure." I turned to him quickly, suddenly attentive, aware that I hadn't been listening to him.

He hesitated and I searched his face, hoping my guilt didn't show, knowing I was a bit breathless. "Cool. Say, seven?"

I nodded. "Perfect."

"I'll pick you up," he smiled and left.

It wasn't until he was gone that I got the significance of his words. "Uh-oh," I whispered. "Did he say tonight?"

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now