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sunday morning, rain is falling
steal some covers, share some skin
clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
you twist to fit the mold that I am in
but things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
and I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew
that someday it would lead me back to you
that someday it would lead me back to you

people were stanting around a boy, sitting on a stool. he had his guitar tightly in his grip and sang along. his lovely voice echoed through the whole downtown and people were smiling as they passed him. some people threw some bucks inside his guitar case, which was neatly placed in front of him. 

after he ended his song, the crowd, that surrounded him, clapped and cheered for him. he loved this feeling. the feeling of making people happy just because of his passion - singing. 

time passed by and he made his way to his work place, a small, yet well known and well visited café near the place he sings in his leasure time. walking into the staff's room, he put on his apron and started his work. he desperately needed this job - as a student at university, he was happy, that he got a scholarship and didn't have to pay for it, yet, he still needed money for his appartement which he shared with three other students. 

placing two orders in front of their customors, he bowed with the tablet pressed against his stomach. "please enjoy your food." he said and went back to the counter, where his colleague stared at something... or someone. he couldn't help but sneak closer, instead of walking normally and pushed his friend from behind. 

latter flinched at the older's action and turned around. "WAHHH!" he screamed. the smaller bursted into laughter. "JOSH THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" his friend whined. 

"what were you looking at that concentrated?" joshua asked, still laughing. his friend, mingyu, only blushed. joshua immediately understood. "ah, him again?" mingyu nodded. the american began to make a new coffee, an order for a guest, and looked at mingyu. "just talk to him. he doesn't bite. plus, he's a costumer. he's here to order some coffee or food, so you practically have to talk to him." he explained the younger.

mingyu only murmured. "you're so childish at times." joshua sighed. "just go to him. as a waiter, you have to serve for him." now, mingyu was the one sighing. 

"i don't know, hyung..." he began. "he seems so unapproachable... like, he doesn't want anyone around him." mignyu admitted. joshua understood. he was insecure becaue he thinks the boy would reject him. joshua slung his arm around mingyu's shoulder. 

"just go to him. not as an admirer, but as a waiter. in the end, it's your job." mingyu nodded and collected all his courage. starting his track, the turned around to joshua again. "go now, or i tell him that you're staring." the american teased.

"i hate you..." mingyu muttered. 

joshua chuckled. "i know, i know. go now, before he's gone."

"his name is wonwoo and he is a literature major! at our university!" mingyu yelled happily throught the night streets. 

joshua chuckled. "you're welcome." mingyu immediately hushed over to the older and hugged him while walking, which looked more like a giant puppy clinging onto his owner. 

"thank youuu. without you, i'd be still staring from the distance..." mingyu said and joshua only smiled. 

"no need to thank me."

at home, joshua changed into his sweater pants and a shirt and went into the livingroom. vernon and junhui, his two other room mates, were fighting over the remote control. joshua only shook his head smiling over his room mate's childishness and went over to the open kitchen to sit down on the bar. mingyu stood in the kitchen and cooked. to be honest, joshua was very happy that they had mingyu, since he was the only one who would make food you could actually eat. if vernon would cook, they'd be homeless and jun can only make chinese food. joshua himself, was only good for making every kind of coffee, and probably baking. 

after dinner, mingyu stood up and placed a bowl with vanilla ice cream and a waffle in front of joshua. joshua and junhui glanced at him. "why does he get a dessert?!" junhui asked offended. 

"he helped me today. more than you ever will, you brat." mingyu said. 

vernon snorted. "not in that way, you pervert minded kid!" mingyu defended himself, the heat rising up in his head. now, the whole room laughed at mingyu's shyness, making the tallest go down in shame.

later on, joshua sat in his room and learned for his upcoming biology exam. well, at least he tried. "what are you doing that late?" a voice suddenly asked. 

joshua looked up and faced junhui, standing in the door frame. "learning biologly." he honestly admitted. "but it doesn't want to fit inside my bean sized brain." 

"your brain isn't bean sized, stop talking nonsense." the chinese rolled his eyes and walked over to joshua, who was sitting on his bed. taking his notes, junhui read it, then he blinked several times. "you wrote them like normal student. i know you have your own ways, since you're kind of a mega mind-genius." 

"first of all, i'm not a genius."

"you have an iq of 156."

"SECOND, i thought my notes don't look neatly, and more chaotic... i wanted them to look normal." joshua admitted and junhui sighed. 

"no wonder you don't get them. your brain does not work like that. if something is too easy, it comes of as complicated for you, that's why you don't get it. continue to take your notes like you did before. that way, you understand them." joshua's room mate recommended and he nodded. 

"thanks for your advice, jun." joshua smiled.

"you should sleep now, it's past twelve already." 

joshua nodded, as junhui stood up. "sleep well." the chinese smiled and closed joshua's door, leaving him behind. after junhui left, joshua immediately went to sleep.

after he finished all his classes the next day, he excitedly walked down to his familiar place, preparing his songs for today. as he arrived, joshua started to prepare everything, like he always did.

1050 words

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