Chapter 1 : Confusion

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Author. : Thank you for all the support... I will try my best to update soon but I'm gonna be a bit busy with preparations for my exams so.......

And also sorry for all the dots and spaces in the prologue.....I'm just obsessed with them :D



Soft sobs were heard across a dark, silent room... As a voice says,

" I am sorry Ines...I am sorry..."

"Mom, what happened?! Why are you crying? my mom should never cry..."

Her mom slowly lifts her head and looks straight at the little girl in front,

" For leaving you ....."

The tiny girl's eyes widen, the meaning of the words slowly bringing back memories to her future self......Realization hits her, but she's too late .....


The woman had vanished in the blink of an eye never to return again.

The inky darkness of the room slowly starts creeping up over the little girl. Scared little whimpers leaves her tiny lips as she backs up to a corner, wanting to stay away from the monstrous aura around her.

Something was coming with the darkness that was swallowing everything around. The darkness was now starting to swallow her slowly.

The tiny girl cries,

" Mom!!"

But instead, there came a bright light. So bright that the sun would be put to shame.

Suddenly there was a snap of fingers and a whisper that followed ...

" Ines..."

Second person POV

You jolt up from the ground, rubbing your eyes to get rid of the sleep to get a glimpse of what had
' kicked ' you awake .......

1 second passes.....

2 seconds.....

3 seconds...

Jumping up from the ground you were already stanced in a defence position.

Before you were three men dressed in different black cloths, muskets and cutlasses hanging loosely from their belts.

' Pirates ' you think.

They looked at each other and then at you... clearly confused.

Taking this as a chance, you jump towards one of them with your fist raised and you punch him right in his face... The other two were quick to react, but not quick enough, you roundhouse kick the one in front and push the one behind with all the force you could muster at the moment.

Clearly panicking, you rush to turn around and run for your life .....but, the one you had push earlier, got up quickly and grabbed your shoulder, yanking you back with immense power.

' GOD!! WHAT DO THEY EAT ' was the first thing that ran through your mind.

The sheer force was enough to cause you to fall down flat on the ground facing the sky.

' wtf ??....your body felt like a piece of paper, tiredness maybe? '

Your body was aching and the last of your strength was drained from the struggle earlier, so you decide to lay there, taking the time to look at the 'guests' who had woken you up in the middle of the night.

Reborn ( ATEEZ x OC x Wooyoung ) PiratesWhere stories live. Discover now