Chapter 13: Concealed Rage (13:8:5)

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‘A path to the unknown spreads open for a split second. Almost deceiving your vision into believing that it was a mere illusion... But the sheer mystery of it entices you, willing your heart to follow it.’

Your feet move as though on their own accord, pushing you to the captain's den. Perhaps the sight of the others following their captain into the cabin was what motivated you, but you could care less. You wanted to discuss whatever the phenomenon from earlier was.

You pause a few feet from the door, realizing that almost everyone was present inside, some looking confused and deep in thought while the rest looks calm and determined. The door slams shut as the last of the main crew members, Yeosang and Renèe enter.

‘Is she hiding from me? What is going on?'

Your mind paces around, trying to make sense of the new situation as Elise stands across from you. Wringing her hands every now and then. Whether it was from nervousness or something else, you didn't know.

"I think it's best to ignore whatever that was and proceed with our next voyage." Yeosang breaks the silence, making his opinion sound as clear as a cloudless day. His emotionless features making it seem more intimidating.

"I think we should follow it, why else would you think something like that would unravel before us?" Elise asks, sounding just as determined as Yeosang who is now giving her a side-eye. The navigator was as intelligent as he was not social, his traits are rather unique when compared to an ordinary pirate's. Sure, his opinion in such matters is important as he knows what exactly he is saying. Yet you can't help but feel like you must follow the trail. Does this have something to do with the sea witch? Does Elise know something about her?

"Are you suggesting that we risk everything just to follow a path that we don't know anything about?" Yeosang questions, giving her a cold glare. The latter maintains a calm demeanor, only picking at the sides of her clothes every now and then.

"No, Sangie. We finally get the chance to go on another adventure and we're going to ignore it? Hell no!" San exclaims cheerfully, and for once you feel glad that he's taking Elise's side.

"Choi San, we are not risking our crewmate's lives for adventure!" Seonghwa folds his arms, causing San to raise his eyebrow in question.

'Alright, I gotta make my side clear.'

"Nuh-uh, I'm sure the majority of us wants to know what it's about. Besides, Elise is right." You declare, taking a strong stand as you look straight at your captain.

"It's not about that, what if the paths were open to your deaths? That wouldn't be a great ending now would it?" Renèe steps up next to Yeosang and Seonghwa. She had the nerve to look at you with a resting bitch-face and you felt yourself get even more annoyed.

Jongho scoffs as he leans against the wall, "Wouldn't you consider that an advantage?". He doesn't even try to cover up the lack of trust he has for Renèe as he narrows his eyes at her. Sure, she might be considered as part of the crew in the future but that does not mean that all of the members find her trustworthy. The latter sailed the seas alone for a long time and knows what she's capable of.

Even betraying the crew and seizing Aurora for herself if she wills...

You wish it doesn't turn out like that, after all, she's your friend. Knowing that things could've turned out different in case something goes wrong would only chew out your morality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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