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Prologue: April 2021
Kameron was in her last period of the day at school. She was listening to her cousin, Aaliyah vent about her boyfriend of 4 months. She hasn't stopped hearing of Derek since the day they started dating. She thought of their relationship more into the toxic side. They would break up almost every week and then get back together. Kameron would wonder if this is how a teenage relationship is supposed to be, if so she didn't want no part of it.

"Like last night. I told him that I loved him, and you know how he responded?" Aaliyah asked Kameron who was tapping on her desk with a pencil.

"I don't know. How?" Kameron said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Love you too. Like where is the 'I' in that?" She whined.

"Is this the first time?" Kameron asked.

"No, but he uses the 'I' here and there." Aaliyah said.

"We'll, I'm pretty sure he loves you." Kameron said. The dismissal bell had then rang. Kameron quickly picked up her science book and got up to leave the classroom to hurry and meet up with her best friend Camilla who was waiting at her locker.

"You look exhausted." Camilla said seeing her friend walking up to her.

"You just don't know how aggravating Aaliyah is with this Derek bullshit. She's worrying too much." Kameron said as she watched her friend open up her locker to put her book in.

"Your cousin is probably just worried that he might be like the rest of her exes." Camilla said.

"Liars, cheaters, manipulators," Kameron listed, " I don't think Derek has any of the traits. I really think he's the one for her." Kameron said before closing her locker.

"I don't think so either, but let's go to McDonalds." Camilla suggested.

"I can't today. My parents want me home right after school." Kameron said, sighing. She would rather spend time with Camilla than go home early with her parents.

"That sucks." Camilla said. "Well, call me when you're free." Camilla said.

"I will." Kameron said.

The two friends parted ways. Kameron went straight to her car which was in front of the school. Getting in the car she went straight home. She thought something was weird this morning when her dad told her to come home right after school. Him and her mom were just smiling big. She just hoped they weren't going to surprise her with any type of siblings. She was fine being the only child. Pulling up into the driveway she got out locking her car door. Using her house key to open the door she was met with the scent of roast beef. Roast beef was her favorite dish. She began whining. The only time they would make roast beef was when they would surprise her with something she wasn't going to like.

"I'm already annoyed." She groaned to herself. "I'M HOME!!!" She called out her presence in the house.

"Good. I just set the table." She heard her mom come out of the dining room to meet her daughter who was still in the hallway by the front door.

"Kam! Good thing you're finally here. My belly is growling uncontrollably." Her father said before chuckling to himself.

"Whatever it is just tell me already." Kam said annoyed.

"Well get to the table then." Her mom said, leading her daughter to the dining room.

Kam sat at her signature spot at the table and began digging in with no hesitation. Her parents looked down at her with adoration. She was their one and only child so they cherished every bit of her.

"If your pregnant mom just say that. I'm in my junior year of highschool so i'll be out of the house soon." Kam said before stuffing her mouth with mashed potatoes. Her parents both looked at her with horror.

"Oh hell no. I'm not pregnant." Her mom voiced.

"Oh, well what is it then?" Kam asked, really eager now.

"What's that kpop group you listen to all the time called?" Her father asked.

"BTS. why?" She asked.

"Well...." Her mother began to drag on.

"Well what? Omg this is getting more frustrating by the second." Kameron whined.

"There will be a better chance of you meeting them now!" Her mother said with a big smile. Kameron looked at both of her parents with confusion.

"What do you mean? Did they announced a tour in Florida?!??!??" She screeched with excitement.

"WERE MOVING TO SOUTH KOREA!!!" Both of her parents said with pure excitement.

"What?" She squeaked out.

"Your father was transferred to South Korea by his boss yesterday." Her mother explained.

"What the hell is wrong with your boss?" Kameron blurted out looking at her father.

"We thought you'd love the idea. Especially you going on and on about how much you always wanted to visit Korea, and you know the language by heart." Her father said, a little bit disappointed with his daughter's reaction.

"Keywords 'Visit' I never once said I wanted to stay, and of course I know the language you two put me in numerous classes to speak all different kinds of language for god knows why?" Kameron said feeling as she was going to pluck her eyes out.

"I thought you'd love it." Her mother replied feeling down.

"I don't love it. I wanna stay here with my friends and family. I also have a swim meet in the next two weeks that I trained so hard for, and I want to graduate with Camilla. I don't wanna go." Kameron cried out as a tear slipped down her eyes.

"At the school you're going to in Korea, they have the best swim team in the whole country." Her mother said.

"I don't care." Kameron said, rolling her eyes full of tears.

"Well you're our daughter and you're going if you like it or not." Her father tried not to give into her cries. He wasn't going to get manipulated by her teary eyes like the rest of the times she succeeded at.

"We'll be leaving next week." Her mother said as she began to eat away at her dinner.

Kameron got up from her seat and ran up the stairs with more and more tears in her eyes. She didn't want to leave. She didn't want to go to another country across seas where she has no friends at all. She wanted to stay here with her best friend Camilla who was more like a sister she never had. She was going to miss the rest of her family, especially her grandma. At this moment she didn't want to see or speak to her parents.

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