Chapter One

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-Your story cracks me up – said Dumpty, the new detective in town.

-I know you are a celebrity here and all Big Red. Can I call you Big Red? Thanks. I just can't take your word for granted. It seems, how can I say it? A little rotten for my taste.

The detective took a sip from his mug and try very hard not to spill everything on the floor and his guest. The drink had been in the open for too long and it was spoiled, it felt Iike something that was stirring his insides.

-Yeah, this doesn't smell right and I have experience for this kind of thing if you know what I mean. Let's start from the beginning, shall we? You were saying that last year someone abducted you from your beautiful home in the middle of the night.

-A place so tight in security, with thousands of employees that work so hard, night and day, day and night, only for one special holiday, and they may have a grudge against you. No, no, believe me. Any employee with that kind of job has it. That rage inside. When all of a sudden a tall and bony stranger throws you into a sack? - Dumpty said incredulously.

His big, red and sweaty palms seemed to transform his perspiration into smoke, giving the appearance of an angry and guilty man at the same time.

-Then, according to your story, was that same man who kidnapped you the same person who later that night rescued you from a worse fate? And in between, you meet a series of sketchy characters in this old forsaken town? How was it called again? Grimm town? That place has been deserted for years, nobody lives there anymore. The only ones that go there are the ones with nothing to lose or the ones with some nasty secret that needs to be taken care of.

Dumpty looked down at Big Red, which was hard because between the two men there was a difference of fifty centimeters, although Big Red was three times wider.

-I heard that the town was ruin by a two-faced politician (aren't they all?) that made a risky business with a chemical company and ended up poisoning the whole town instead. They say that until this day you can see at night the vapors from the contaminated area, like a great Christmas decoration that someone forgot to pack. And the smell, gosh, you can still smell those corpses in the air. Of course, nobody calls that place by his real name anymore. Everyone knows its Halloween Town now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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