Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I zoned out for a moment watching Finn leave, vaguely aware of the sound of the front door opening and closing, and Braxton and Tanner carrying on a conversation around me as they collected the weaponized fruit. My mind was a little overwhelmed with the events of the last twelve? Sixteen? How many hours had it been? So much had happened, from finding my dorm empty to meeting these guys, my head was swimming with it all. I'm going to have a hell of a time concentrating in class today. Crap! Class! What time is it? Bree was late for class. Hoyt is in class. Finn and Knoxx have practice. In a panic, I shot up, "What time is it?" My eyes searched the room for a clock.

"What's wrong?" Tanner dropped the last of the fruit onto his plate. "It's 8:30."

"Damn. I'm going to be late for my nine am." I snatched up my plate and mug beelining for the kitchen; I could make it to Latin on time if I really hurried. "Do you know where my shoes are? And can I borrow some paper and a pen, and can I have directions to Blockley from here?"

Tanner caught up with me before I reached the dishwasher, plucking the dishes out of my hands and setting them on the counter. "Take a breath. I emailed the dean last night. He contacted all of your professors, you're excused from your classes today, your professors are going to email their notes and slides for today's lectures, and you have an extension until Monday on any assignments due this week." Tanner opened the cabinet under the sink, scraping the dished into the hidden trashcan as he continued to explain. He'd been busy while I slept; it never even crossed my mind to do half the things he'd already taken care of. I bit my lip, forcing myself to focus on what Tanner was saying and stop myself from panicking about what else I may have forgotten to do.

"The dean has meetings all morning. You are scheduled to meet with him at 3:30." Loading the last of our dishes into the dishwasher Tanner gently took my hand, leading me back to the table and pulling out my chair. I sunk down in the still warm seat distracted from my panic by the warm flutter in my stomach from the contact of our hands. I sucked my lip back in, catching it as it automatically shifted to a pout when Tanner released my hand.

"I've got class from ten to three this afternoon, but I can help you until then, and I'll pick you up for your meeting after my last class. An account is in place at the bookstore so you can replace your books and school supplies; Knoxx has a break at one, so he's going to go with you to help pick up what you need and get it all back here." I could feel my eyes going wide at all the information being thrown at me, Tanner literally had my entire day scheduled.

"Av got a lesson at nine forty-five followed by a break until one twenty; it sounds like Miss--Cali, what's yer surname?" Braxton asked, frowning at the realization he didn't know.


"Miss Orsin can do me the favour of accompanying me ta lunch until Knoxx is available ta assist her."

"I really appreciate everything you guys have done," as I spoke, I reached up untying my hair, tugging it out of the bun and then retying my tangled locks into another low bun. "And Tanner, I so owe you, so, so owe you. Not just for everything last night, but you took care of everything I need to get done today. I would be totally screwed right now if it wasn't for you.

Braxton leaned across the table towards Tanner, "Why do a feel like we are about ta hear a but."

Smart ass. "Buuuut," I caught Braxton shooting Tanner an I told you so look, "you guys really don't need to waste any more of your time on me. I can just go back to my dorm and get out of your hair."

"It's your call," Tanner tapped his finger on the table as he spoke turning to look me in the eye, "but I'd really like you to stay here, at least until after you meet with the dean. That voicemail was unsettling, we don't know how they got into your room, and the dean mentioned something about having maintenance look at your door. You may not even be able to get in right now. They may even have the lock disassembled until who knows when today."

Damn, that was another thing I didn't consider; I would seriously be screwed without Tanner. I chewed on what Tanner just said, if he was right about maintenance then hanging out here until after my meeting with the dean was my best option so long as Tanner and Braxton didn't mind. Ok, so I could stay here, but I wasn't really sure why Braxton would want to go to lunch or why this Knoxx guy would tag along to the bookstore.

"I guess I see your point about staying here, but I can do the bookstore on my own; and Braxton totally shouldn't feel obligated to have lunch with me, I can walk up to the dining hall and hang out there until the meeting."

"Please, yer doing me a favour." Braxton sat back down at the table setting a fresh mug of coffee in front of me; wait, when did he get up? I accepted the warm energy in a cup grateful to have it; even though I slept like the dead last night, I was up early and still exhausted from last night. "I'm craving Thai, and no one else can go with me today."

"Knoxx is just there to make sure everything goes smoothly and carry heavy things; there was some confusion with your scholarship, but I got it all straightened out. You shouldn't have any problems with it, but I'd feel better if Knoxx was there just in case."

I took a sip of my coffee buying myself some time to think. Sure, some of it seemed a little odd, but I couldn't really find an argument to oppose what Tanner was suggesting. "I guess, I mean if you guys really don't mind..."

"Brilliant!" Braxton clapped, leaning back, the front two legs of his chair lifting off the floor. "I already ken what I'm going ta order." My brow creased as I glanced at Braxton, my brain trying to translate out exactly what he had just said. I'd blame it on his accent, but it wasn't that thick of an accent, some of the words just were decidedly not English.

"Do you have that note on you?" Tanner asked, drawing my attention away from Braxton and back to him. If I didn't know better, I would think Tanner was slightly annoyed with Braxton. "I'd like to take a look at it."

"It's in my backpack, although I'm not sure it survived seeing how wet my phone and computer were." The note! A wave of panic flashed through me. I'd completely forgotten about the part of the note about anyone helping me would get hurt. Did that threat reside within the walls of the dorm or did it extend to everyone? I couldn't risk it being the latter; I needed to get out of here and away from these guys until I was sure no one else would get sucked into this mess. I could figure out what to do about my things later, right now I just needed to get away from them before it was too late.

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