Remembrance and forgiveness

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Sorry for posting late everybody! I had some errands to run but here you go. Chapter 2. Enjoy!

(POV: 3rd)

Yang watches the news on the TV in patch. She sighs as she turns it off after the mention of Adam Taurus continuing to evade authority. She thinks to herself about what her friend once said to her.

(Y/N): Some bad things are going to happen... I'm sorry...

Her thoughts are interrupted when Taiyang enters the house.

Tai: I'm home!

Yang: Hey dad.

Tai: Guess what came in today?

He closes the door and sets down the bags and boxes he's carrying.

Yang: What?

Tai: I can't wait for you to try these.

He brings in a small box accompanied by a larger box. He sets it down on the table in front of Yang.

Tai: Well?

Yang: They're... for me?

Tai: For you and you only.

She opens the larger box to reveal a chrome robotic arm. Her eyes widen.

Tai: Brand new, state of the art, Atlas tech. You know I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings. Call in a few favors. But you earned this one all on your own, kiddo.

Yang: Huh?

Tai: Before I could even talk to him, General Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this. For you. He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself.

Yang sighs and opens the smaller box. Its a pair of yellow tinted shades along with a note. It reads the following:

Yang, I know things have... sucked lately. And, I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now. But during the time I've been in patch, I've thought about how you've felt. I did tell you some bad things were gonna happen, but they were supposed to. I know that doesn't really make up for what I failed to stop from happening, but things will get better. I promise. I know for a fact that you're too strong to let something like this stop you. I came up with a design for these during the Vytal Festival. I had a favor from Ironwood and he helped me build these. They were gonna be shipped to me at around this time if we were still in school, but I now realize, that you probably deserve these more than I do. So when your ready, put them on.

Your friend, (Y/N) (L/N).

Tai: The General said that (Y/N) wanted you to have these. I don't really see whats so special about a pair of shades, but if they're supposedly technology, they have to be good.

Yang: Right...

Tai: So! You gonna try them on?

Yang: I uh... I'm not feeling too great right now. Maybe later?

Tai:... (exhales) Well... alright.

Yang stands and begins to walk upstairs. She turns and looks at Tai.

Yang: Thanks, dad.


Ruby tosses and turns in her sleeping bag. She hears voices in her dreams

Pyrrha: Do you believe... in destiny?

(Y/N): Rose... Vale... vale

Ruby: (Y/N)!!!

A Rose and That One Guy (Ruby Rose X Male Reader) Volume 4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt