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[my friends made me publish this]

1—oh merlin


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hi?

Who is this?

a mystery

Well i knew that.


Why did you message me?

Just to say hey?


im bored

and surely harry potter would be able to fix that, he can fix anything

Okay, let's get some things straight.
1) I can barely fix my grades, i can't fix everything, and 2) i'm bored, too, i can't help that.

so formal

honestly, its hard to believe harry fucking potter knows how to grammar but not enough potions to appease professor snape

So you're from Hogwarts... One mystery solved.

What house are you in?

does it matter?

im not in gryffindor. thats all you need to know

So Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin...


oh merlin no

id never. so distasteful to know youd think so

I was kidding 😂😂

You're a Slytherin from that answer.


but youre not going to find out who i am. thats a mystery ill never confide to.

plus youd be disgusted

I'm sure you can't be that bad...

I either don't know you or don't know you well enough. Until you tell me a name or anything like that, i have no idea.

and its going to stay that way

if you found out who i am youd block me and/or try to cast a death curse at me

Are you that bad?


but thats besides the point

how are you harry potter?

I'm... doing well, i guess.

How are you, mystery man?

...or woman..

.......or person....

haha im a guy

so mystery man is who i am

im not too well

Want to talk about it?

ehhhh ill be fine. he's uh


yes my father..

hes very strict (and kinda a dick) and i have a reputation to hold for not only my house but my family. the latter is way more important but im having trouble sustaining the name, our name

How so? If he's making you do anything you don't want to do... you shouldn't have to obey him. Look at me, i've lost count of how many times i've ran away from my only remaining family left.

its not that hes making me do something i dont want to do, no nothing like that. i just- its HARD to do it

I wonder why. 😏

oh merlin never say that again

I didn't say it.



There was the opportunity and i seized it.

yeah yeah what-fucking-ever

You know you're smiling, don't deny it

...youre a lot more immature than i thought

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