Chapter 1

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"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."- John F. Kennedy

The New Block Estate


Wednesday, August 28th

1:25 P.M.

"Thanks for the ride, Dean!" Claire said as she slid over the buttery black leather seat to the open door of the Riveras' limousine. Dean replied that it was no problem with a small smile on his face. She knew for a fact that no one in the Rivera family ever muttered one word of appreciation to their faithful driver. It was a small wonder that Claire was his favorite passenger.

Claire shut the door behind her and joined the rest of the Pretty Committee standing in awe. Even Alicia and Dylan seemed to be impressed with the new estate.

"I can't believe this is her new house," Dylan muttered what Claire herself had thought.

After a year and a half of separation from Massie, it was hard to believe that she was back in the States. What was even harder to believe was that her family had purchased an estate in their old neighborhood. The giant Georgian mansion looked like it belonged on the cover of a home and garden magazine, the kind that her mom bought for "inspiration". Not only was it beautiful, but it looked as if the occupants were very important people. Whenever Claire passed by on her bike ride to Cam's she had always imagined some celebrity family or CEO living there.

"It's even bigger than the last one," Kristen said as they walked towards the front steps. "It's not like they need a lot of space."

It wasn't a castle in England, but the address was still a luxurious status symbol. A behemoth home designed by some long-dead famous architect was about as close to a castle as you could get in Westchester, NY. And Claire was beginning to suspect that the Blocks specifically chose the fabulous estate for its grandiose style.

After the Blocks had lost all their money, their snobby friends had quickly ditched them like last season's Manolos. William and Kendra had been shunned from the country club and had lost all their exclusive memberships. Meanwhile, Massie had been in a debt-induced depression. She had worried endlessly about the whole school discovering her family's financial woes, and for good reason. If anyone at OCD had found out, Massie would have been eaten alive by all the girls that were vying for her spot as Alpha. It was why the PC had fiercely protected her secret. Thankfully, the Blocks had quickly regained their fortune. Claire wasn't sure if their old family friends knew about the castle outside of London but knew one thing for sure... that the Block's new enviable estate confirmed that they were back and better than ever.

Claire's icy blue orbs took in the house and she knew that there was a swirl of different emotions brewing in them. Of course, she was ecstatic to have Massie back, had dreamed of it happening since the day Mass had broken the news to them. But her guilt ate away at her happiness until only trembling fear was left.

Since the day the PC had stepped foot in the halls of BOP Claire was terrified of Massie finding out the truth. Would she hate her for repeatedly lying? Renounce their friendship? Probably, which was why she had never spilled her guts. But oh how she had wanted to over the course of the year. There had been numerous times where Claire had broken down and almost called Massie, but the PC had always talked her out of it. One time Alicia had to slap her across the face to bring her out of her remorseful hysterics.

Just as Alicia reached for the button of the doorbell, the door flung open revealing Massie. She stepped back slightly so the PC could enter and then threw up her arms, expecting them to rush forward and group hug her just as they had at the airport all those times she came to visit. Claire knew that Massie was waiting for them to tell her how happy they were that she had moved back, that they had missed their true alpha.

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