How I live now

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Pay attention to detail. Pay attention to the tingling sensation on your lips and how your coffee nips your morning breath. Pay attention to the ways someone's eyes widen when they're asking a question or the way their smile starts from the right side of their mouth instead of the left. Pay attention to how fresh grass feels in between your barefoot toes and when a person tells you their favorite flower. Pay attention to the little scratches on those cheap sunglasses that you bought at the dollar store around the corner. Pay attention to the way goosebumps erupt on your skin when that special someone touches you or the way your whole body aches when they don't. Pay attention to the background music or just music playing in the background because songs are so much better with memories behind them. Pay attention to the coarseness of a morning voice and the depth of a of a late night one. Pay attention to detail because in the end, those remaining details will be the ones that matter the most. Those details will keep your mind company when you are most lonesome.

Because in this world the only real enemy is your mind.

There are three rules for surviving this world full of questions and expectation.

One: Always look over your shoulder.

Two:Never trust anyone.

Three: Don't ever look back. Ever.

When I am among the forever going trees that seem like giants in the sky I used to feel a calming sensation. Like I was safe from the shadows that try to swallow me up when I'm most vulnerable. Around me the trees stir in the wind and whispers gently, "Stay awhile." Light flows from the tree branches above me that seem to touch heaven itself.

Again they call out to me," It is simple child. Just stay with us." I shivered involuntarily, I wanted to stay. I really did. But in this world you have to watch your own back and your back alone. In this world you don't have time to remember the details for later. You have to put all your fears and troubles in a box, close it, and look up and move towards your goal. Because if you don't, you're just another dead person.

The wind blows and passes through the maze of trees and onto me. The little blonde girl next to me named Zoey shivers. I don't though. I am a November child. I was born in the season that cannot quite decide if it wants to be winter or fall. I was a child born from short days and long nights. I wear sweaters like a second skin and I am most comfortable in colder times. I embrace the stinging cold like a lover's caress. I breathe the smell of wood smoke as people used to breath coffee fumes. I am more comfortable curled in a flannel blanket in my favorite leather chair, just as others prefer a tent in the high mountains. The sound of geese overhead and the cold and bitter wind is my birthsong. For I am a November child. I am neither a fall nor winter child. And yet, I'm both.

So maybe that's why I took off my now worn down jacket and handed it to the little blonde girl on my left. "Thanks Charlie." the young girl said while sniffing, telling me the harsh weather that I felt so enduring was slowly wearing on her. At her comment all I did was nod. I wasn't much for word. I was the kind of person that thought that actions can speak louder than words.

The silence between Zoey and I was a peaceful silence. The kind of peace after a thunderstorms rages on for days and days and finally it stops and the star that keeps our only plant alive comes out. The birds come out and sing their almost too cheerful toon.

The silence was broke when Zoey looks up and turned to me. Her big blue eyes shining with a sadness that no ten-year-old should know. I barely notice that Zoey and I stopped walking and we were both staring at each other intently. She finally speaks and her voice matches her eyes, "Charlie why does there have to be war before peace?"

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