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|| no one POV ||

They made it halfway through the year, so far there has been no attacks. Until today.

The students have all gotten use to the new bakugou at this point and they are happy to see he has changed, but... they all feel like there is something else going on... something that he isn't telling them...

And they are correct. There is something going on...

On that day the villains attacked the school and bakugou is currently fighting five at a time because all his classmates where effected by an unknown quirk. Bakugou was struggling but he had to keep his friends safe.

"Bakugou there are to many!! And your using your quirk to much!!" One of his classmates yelled as bakugou continued to fight the never ending villains that came his way. "Shut up!!" He yelled and that made the students jump, because he has never yelled this year... "I know what I'm doing! I just have to make sure no villains get to you guys! Okay!? Just make sure I get all of them!" He yells as he sends large explosions knocking back all the villains and even knocking himself over flying into a wall, hitting it with a large bang. "Kacchan!" "Bakugou!!" He herd the yelling of his classmates then loud laughter coming from behind the students. "Well bakugou I told you the next time you fight me you will have to make a choice!! And today is the day!!" That man had a big smile on his face as he used his quirk to pic up poles.

He sent them flying towards the students.

Time stopped for bakugou as he watched in horror as the poles head straight for his classmates. He had to move. He had to save his friends. He had to!

He finally moved just in time...

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