Part 3

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Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzzzz!

Shit. No. Too early.

Buzzzzz! Buzzzzz! Buzzzzzz!

"WHATTTTTT!" I yell into my empty apartment half expecting it to reply. I realize its my damn phone. It's a text message, probably from Jenna just DYING to know the details.

"Good Morning, AL! I hope you slept ok." Not anymore.

"I just wanted you to know I had a great time last night. I was hoping you wanted to maybe do something again today? I might go for a run here in a bit if you want to join me."

How are you up so early? Its *looks at the clock* 4pm.

"Shit, its 4pm!" No, I don't want to run with you.

"Hey, Col! Good morning to you too! I JUST NOW woke up. I know #lazy. I am not much of a runner, but I can try. If I pass out at anytime just throw me inside your parent's coffee shop. The smell of pumpkin donuts will wake me up instantly." I press send.

"There is a spare key above the door. Use it. I am lazy and the front door is too far for me right now." Shut up, its 4pm.

"Lol, ok. I am on my way. "He is such a goof. I wonder what he needs distracting from today. I get up and wash my face. I hear the door open. "I'm in the back room! You can come back here if you want!" Colby glides in my bedroom looking like a full course meal. He is wearing Nike shorts and a tight grey muscle shirt. His hair is perfectly in place. I can see his headphones in his hands. He was serious when he said he wanted to run. FUCK.

"Good morning, Al!" How is he so cheerful? He gives me a hug from behind and I am dying on the inside. I have always wondered what this would feel like. You always see it in the movies. It feels.... I don't know. Safe and secure? Fuck, Its awesome though. I turn around in his arms- the old ticker is beating pretty damn hard in my chest. I wonder if he can hear it? "Good morning! Looks like you are serious about this running thing. I was hoping it was a joke." I groaned as he laughed. "Oh, come on. You said yourself you wanted to get some exercise in. This is the perfect opportunity to do so. I got you, girl. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!" He says this as he starts jogging in place pretending to punch the air. OMG SEND HELP. "Ok, Goofball. Get out so I can change." I turn to my dresser and rummage to find my adidas running shorts and cute crop top. "Are you sure? I can help, you know. I have seen first hand how clumsy you can be."

"Get out before I hit you." I glare at him as if daring him. I wish bitch would. He put hands up in defeat. "Ok, chillll! I'm just messing with you. I already got us some water so hurry it up!" and he shuts my door. So, demanding, but in cute way. Me thinks we like it. I change into my running gear and grab my Nike hat as I think about how embarrassing it will be when I pass out and die on this run.

"Do you wanna drive my jeep to the trail?" He says as he hands me his keys. "Why, fuck yes, I do." I grab the keys and skip out the door. "I guess I will lock it then." Colby says as he follows me to the door. "Some days I fear the worst in me is the best you'll ever know!" Motionless in white floods my ears as I start the car. They are one of my favorite bands. We made idle chit-chat as I drove to the trail. He was telling me about how excited he is for the family dinner tomorrow. He asked me what I was going to wear.

AH Shit. I forgot I was going. "I'm not sure. Probably just a tunic top with leggings and boots. Its supposed to be chilly tomorrow." I love the cold weather. I am a basic white girl. Sue me. "Cool. Cool. How about I pick you up at 5 and we can drive down together. DO you want to take your car this time or---" I gave him a pointed look that said Absolutely fucking not. I really love his Jeep. Its drives like a dream. "Hahaha! Ok! We need to talk to dad about getting you a Jeep. Turn right here and there should be some parking. We will start running just over there." I parked and sighed. I am not ready for this. We get out and start stretching. Colby really looks so delicious. I can't even lie. Every time he stretches his arms his shirt comes up and DAMN Alley. Stop being a hoe!

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