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Louis walks into the gay bar and all eyes were on him, he was attractive though he didn't really take that into consideration, he never believed it anyways. No matter how many boys -or girls for that matter- drooled over him and basically orgasmed whenever he would blink.

"Hey man!" Jessie greets, his tanned, muscular arm around his boyfriend Mark.

"Hey, did I miss anything?"

"Nah, just Ren being a huge flirt and trying to pick up some hot piece off a.ss." Aaron answers. This is what happens when Aaron drinks, he turns into an a.sshole, it was one of the many reasons why he was single, and Ren was the biggest flirt of them all.

"Where's James?" Louis asks as he sits down. James was nice and so was Jessie, the reason why they weren't single, they knew when to hold their tongues.

"Probably f.ucking Nate in the toilets or God-knows-where." Ren answers as he comes to sit down.

Louis was the sweet one out of them all. The high of the fame had worn off a year into it. Louis still held onto it, he was still higher than ever. He didn't take it for granted the way the others did. He cared for the fans, he cared about the music, he cared about everything. As far as he knew, it was perfect. Except one thing, the whole band was gay, and he wasn't.

The high uproar of the LGBT had everyone practically begging for an all gay band. So when their first song released to the public they practically ate them up. Still after three years of the band, The Following still reigned supreme in the music business.

Louis soon orders a beer and sits with Jessie and Mark while the rest grind against random strangers and each other.

"No picking up guys tonight, eh Louis?" Mark teases.

"Nah mate, just gotta make an appearance then I'm off." He replies.

The boys all knew of Louis preference for women. The only problem with being in the band was that he couldn't get women, they all thought he was gay. There were a select few that still had the hope of being able to "turn him" but the media stood in the way of anything happening. It frustrated Louis at some times, he hated being alone, but he had to weigh the pro's and con's. The pro's always won.

"Such a party animal." James comments sarcastically walking up to the table with the "freshly f.ucked look" as people would call it.

"Woah you really did get some." Aaron says, earning whoops and hollers from Ren. Soon enough James' boyfriend, Nate, walks up to the table with the same look.

"Yeah, yeah you are all just jealous that I can get this better than any of you singles looking for some STD filled pleasure." Nate replies leaning into James' side.

Louis couldn't help but feel more alone than ever, he missed the sex, the girls, and being able to have a chance at falling in love if he wanted to. Louis was a romantic no matter how much he tried to deny it to save a bit of his manliness. He missed it all, and the thought of it made him upset, so he ended up sitting quietly in the corner while listening to the other lads banter. After what felt like forever, time was up and Louis was allowed to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" Jessie asks.

"Yeah I'm knackered, long day of interviews."

"Alright, see ya tomorrow mate." Jessie slurrs. with that, Louis left the people filled club for a cold and empty hotel room and somehow they both felt the same.


The next morning Louis woke up to a call from Jordan telling him to be ready and downstairs in a half an hour. Louis lazily rolled out of bed and sauntered into the bathroom.

"i didn't think the meeting started till two" He says to himself and checks the time on his phone, it was half past ten. He shruggs it off before starting to get ready, after ten minutes he was ready and walks downstairs.

Louis was met with screaming fans, probably about fifty of them. Since he had time to kill he greets the fans and signs things and takes photographs. He had been through all of them, hugging every single one of them, chatting and taking pictures, it was what he loved most about his job, the fact that he could make someone's day just by a smile or simply making eye contact.

"And whats your name love?" He asks the girl in front of him.

"Diane." the girl replies " i just wanted to tell you that you really helped my brother, whether he wants to admit it or not, you helped him be comfortable with who he is and for that I cannot thank you enough."

There was a twinge of guilt that Louis felt hearing the girl's words.

"well I'm glad."

"Can I get a video of you just saying hello to him?" she asks.

"Yeah no problem." he replies, the guilt never fading.

The girl pulls out her phone.

"what's his name?"


She puts the phone up and starts recording.

"Hello Jack! Its Louis Tomlinson from The Following and I just wanted to say thank you for supporting our band. I'm happy i could help you, and just know that it is always okay to be yourself, no matter what, always stay true to you because you will live life a lot happier. Hope you have a great day. Bye!"

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much it will mean to him." The girl praises.

"No problem, have a nice day." he smiles and she walks off.

By then the car had pulled up and Louis hopps in and the car drives off. Even after that he still couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. He was glad he could help someone, but it was based on a lie. But soon enough he pulled up in front of the PR headquarters.

This can't be good. Louis thought to himself.

After Louis thanked the driver and got out and walked through the front door.

"Hello Mr.Tomlinson." The lady with short brown hair greets Louis.

"Lorie, how many times do I have to tell you, call me Louis." He says jokingly.

"Hello Louis."

"Much better."

"Jordan wants to see you upstairs."

"Oh god. Do you know what it is about?" He asks.

"No clue. But go right up, you're already 2 minutes late."

"Oh no! the horror!" Louis says sarcastically and walks into the elevator.

"You're late." Jordan says when Louis walks in.

"Oh calm down, its 3 minutes." Louis says and sits down. "What is this about anyways, it better be good, I got up at half ten for this."

"You're image isn't exactly working."

"Excuse me? please elaborate I'm not psychic." Louis says growing quickly annoyed.

"I'm saying, that it doesn't exactly work that you aren't with someone. People are starting to question it."

"Well they wont like it if I come off the market, especially to who." He says blatantly.

"It doesn't work if you are straight Louis." Jordan responds, wanting to get it over with.

"Well then I need to get a beard then don't I?"

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