Chapter Fourteen

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I remember. I remember that Snow White and Prince Charming are my mom and dad. I remember my father placing me in a magic wardrobe and sending me to this world. The woman I had been living with and saw as my closest friend, who was also the same age as me, was my mother. My mother. I had found her. 28 years of searching and my parents had been right here in Storybrooke, Maine. And my son. And Regina.

I loved knowing so much that I hated it. It didn't make sense. Magic? No, magic isn't real. Yet it was, and I had just used it to break a curse.

I stared deeply into the scared chocolate colored eyes hovering right above me. I took in the beautiful woman's smile and her amazing features. Did she know about this curse the whole time? Was she really the Evil Queen like Henry had said so many times before? I didn't care, I loved her, I loved her with all my heart and I didn't want her to think any other way. Her eyes sparkled with tears and I had a feeling they were mixed emotions showing physically.

"Emma..." she whispered my name so softly that only my ears could here it. I smiled. She studied my face for a few more moments before she pulled away and I saw Henry. His arms were around my neck before I could even say his name once.

"Mom!" I wrapped my hands around him and held him close.

"You alright kid? That was some scare you gave us." He nodded and pulled away wrapping an arm around Regina's waist. He was okay. Regina was okay. The two people I cared most about right now were here with me, no physical injuries or anything. It brought an ear-to-ear grin to my face. I still couldn't believed it was Graham. I honestly thought he was better than that-better than kidnapping an innocent boy because he got dumped. Where was he anyway? The look in Regina's eyes told me I needed to ask later, not now with Henry here.

I sat up and felt a little dizzy, but pretty much okay.

"And pray tell, Ms. Swan what do you think you're doing?" Regina asks in a sexy tone that makes me smirk.

"Getting out of here." I kick my feet over the side of the bed and pull out my IV.

"Mom, she's right." Henry says to the brunette. "We need to leave, they'll be coming for you soon." I stand up and grab my coat from the rack, slipping it on over my shoulders. Right, she's the "Evil Queen." I hate this whole magic thing and I've only known it for about a minute. Truth be told, I was scared to death right now. Scared and confused, but I couldn't show it. I couldn't show weakness.

"Oh no, you two are not coming with me." Henry and I both pause, make eye contact then look back to Regina and reply in sync:

"We beg to differ." Henry occupies himself in the corner by buttoning up his coat while I walk over to the troubled woman next to me. Shes so hot. I think to myself. I lace my arms around her waist and pull her close to me. For the first time she smiles instead of grimaces and it makes me grin as well.

"So!" I kiss her lightly. "Where are we off to?" I kiss her chin and she laughs quietly.

"You, missy, are in no condition to go anywhere." I pout my lower lip.

"Oh come on, I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"You're right, I'm super fine." I wink and she laughs again, its an angelic sound that melts my heart. I don't think I've ever heard Regina actually laugh before. A true laugh that comes from joy, not to cover up pain.


"Please, dear, we don't have time for this." I mutter in a false impression of her. She raises an eyebrow and leans in, pressing her red lips to my right ear.

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