Chapter Thirteen

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"I don't feel anything, Regina!" Graham kicked his feet over the side of the bed and bent down to slide his pants on.
"Calm down, Graham." I mumble and I place a hand on his toned shoulder. "It was just a dream." He shakes his head and a few beads of sweat trickle down his neck.
"It didn't feel like a dream." He buttons the pants and stands up. "It felt real."
"And yet here you are, whining that you don't feel anything." I reply sarcastically.
"I don't!" He throws his hands up and paces around. "I don't have any emotion, Regina! I don't know if I love you or if i'm trapped in a romance with you." He turns around to face me and I arch an eyebrow. He was just having one of his fits, he would calm down. "I do know one thing though." His scrunched eyebrows relax and he glares at me. "I want out."
"Oh?" I ask in a formal voice, as if this is just a negotiation.
"Yes." He grabs his shirt and boots off the ground and walks out of the room. I leap out of the bed and throw my robe over my under-garment covered body.
"Where do you think you're going?" I screech and follow him down the stairs. "Stop!" he does and I bump into him at the bottom.
"Stop what?" Stop following my heart?"
"Oh please, Graham, you don't even know what you want." My arms fold over my chest. He's only a few inches away from me. I take a step back as he spins around. "You can't feel, remember?" I say mockingly. Without warning, his hands shoot out and close around my neck. He shoves me against the nearest wall.
"I'm not you're sex toy, you bitch." he fires through gritted teeth. His fingers tighten around my neck, cutting off my airflow. "And since I can't feel..." he leans in closer. "I won't feel even a touch of guilt if I killed you right now." I place my hands on his, using my last bit of effort to pry his grip away. I gasp for air and I can't stop myself, I use magic to transport myself away to my vault. Sliding down into a sitting position against the wall, I bury my face in my hands and let the tears fall.
How was I so stupid? I should have known the whole time that it was Graham who had kidnapped Henry. Staring at him now, with a gun pointed at his face and Emma unconsious at his feet, I knew he was out for blood and wasn't bluffing when he sent us the note.

"I would say it was great to see you again, your majesty...but its not." he tilts his head and slaps the night stick in his hand. I hold the gun tighter as he takes a step over Emma's body and towards me.

"I wouldn't come any closer if you want to live." I say, shocked at how steady my voice sounds.

"You couldn't do it." He fake smiles. "I'm the only one you love besides Henry. You need me." I smile. He doesn't know about Emma and I. And I'd like to keep it that way.

"Graham." I whisper. "Please forgive me." He knew about the curse, probably because he forced it out of Henry. Just the thought of what he could have done to my son enraged me. The man hesitated for a few short moments and then lowered his club.

"Break the curse." He says in his thick Irish accent. I force myself to cry, but don't take the guns aim away from his head.

"Don't you think I would if I could?" I ask in fake exasperation. "The only one who can break the curse Graham, is her!" I point at the limp blonde at his feet.

"How?" He asks in dead seriousness.

"She has to believe." I mumble, staring sadly at her perfect form. "Or-" I cut myself off, Graham didn't need to know the other way.

"Or what?" He presses on and pulls out a gun that I really didn't expect him to have. He points it at my head. "Tell me!"

I flinch and more firmly point the gun at his head.

"Or if she dies."

I half expected him to shoot me right there and then kill Emma, but being the stupid hunter he is, he went straight for the kill. It all happened so fast. The pulling of the trigger. The loud bang. Me sinking to my knees because it was all too much. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I dropped the gun next to me, craddling the blondes shoulders in my arms and crying into her scalp. The sheriffs lifeless body lay face down next to us, his un-fired gun resting in his limp hand. I had killed him. I had shot him right in the head and killed him. After a good 5 minutes of bawling, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, calling the hospital. I stayed there with the two un-moving bodies until the men with the stretchers arrived and lowered the figures onto them. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

I held onto Emmas hand the entire way to the hospital and when they told me I had to wait outside the room I nearly lost it. I called David and Mary Margaret and told them where to go look for Henry and that he'd be waiting for them. I told them to bring him straight to me the moment they found him and they obliged.

I paced back and forth in the waiting room for an hour. Henry burst through the door and I embraced him in a hug like none ever before.

"Oh, Henry." I mutter against his silky hair. Silky like Emma's. A few tears roll down my cheeks and I quickly wipe them away.

"Mom." He pulls back, hands in mine and I see how worried and scared he is. "I told Graham...about the curse. He said he was going to kill you, he said-"

"I know, Henry. You don't have to worry about Graham any more." I give him a small smile.

"Where's Emma?" He asks, and I watch as the realization hits him like a train. His other mom wasn't here.

"Would you like to see her?" We both turn around to see Dr. Whale standing in the doorway with his clipboard.

We hastily follow him through the hallways to a room labeled "ER". Hand in hand, Henry and I stepped into the room, leaving Whale to close the door behind us. I slowly approached the bed. There she was in all her savior glory. The steady beeping around us signaled that all her vitals were in order. IV's were stuck in her skin on her forearm. Her red jacket had been hung up on the coat rack next to the door frame and she laid there in a white T-shirt and black leggings. A white bandage was wrapped around her head and the side was stained slightly red. I swallowed and looked down.

"Mom." I looked away as Henry tried to talk to me. "I know the curse is real. We both know that she has to break it!" I wipe away my tears and don't reply. Henry walks to Emmas side and takes her hand. He lays his head on her stomach and wraps his left arm around her waist. The sight makes me overjoyed with happiness in the inside. I know she has to break the curse. I just don't know what will happen if she does. I'll probably get killed by an angry mob of fairytale peasants. But, I had to think of Emma. She'd have the family she had been in search for her whole life. She could be happy.

"Would she be happy?" I ask Henry and it sounds silly, having to ask a little boy about someone else's feeling.

"Yea, mom. I think she really would be." I stare at his adorabe features. they reminded me of her so much.

I walked forward to her bed side and leaned over her.

"She'll just have to believe me then." I whisper before I press my lips to hers. A gust of wind that fills my heart with dread and joy blows over us. I keep my eyes shut and slowly pull away, wanting to enjoy my last moments with the savior. That's when I hear the most angelic voice that makes my heart melt ever time I hear it.

"I've always believed in you, Regina." I open my eyes to see her gorgeous green orbs just centimeters away from mine. A huge smile spreads across my face.

"Ow." she continues and places some fingers to her head. "That hurt like a bitch."

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