18. Change of plans

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"What'd she say?"

"She said get your a-s-s home and bring pickles and chocolate before she gives you a period", El repeated mocking the sass in Joyce's voice.

Hopper looked at the time and huffed as he face palmed himself. He could either carry out his poorly thought out plan with the assistance of a teenager, or he could come in between a pregnant lady and her cravings.

"Where the fuck am I gonna get.... Okay. Goodbye, be there in a bit", he said as he hung up the phone.

Steve chuckled to himself earning a glare from Hopper as he made a sharp U-turn and headed off towards whatever store was open.


Jamie dried off and put on her pajamas that Joyce laid on top of the toilet. Jamie wiped the mirror in a circular motion and looked at her reflection once she finished brushing her teeth and shook her head. When she headed out the bathroom, she saw that everyone had fallen asleep, including Joyce who left a pile of clean clothes in a basket near her bed as she and El were sprawled across the bed.

Jamie decided to lay down on the couch as she did not want to be awoken by the sounds of El getting in the bed with her. Jamie looked at the clock on the wall as she pulled the covers over her head.

"Its freaking like 3 A.M, where are you?", she whispered as she looked for her dad's number in her phone.

"Hungry", she texted as she placed her phone on the pillow besides her ear so that she'd be able to hear it once he replied.


Hopper got out of the blazer and fumbled around in his pocket for the keys. As she set a few bags down, he opened the front door and saw that Jamie had fallen asleep on the couch with the lights on in the kitchen. Hopper and Steve quietly moved the grocery bags to the kitchen counter while Hopper went to check on everyone in the house.

Steve went over to the couch and gently sat on the edge. He froze when Jamie stirred in her sleep, and once she stopped, he decided to gently brush his fingers through her hair.

"Well", Hopper whispered as he returned to the living room and kicked off his work boots. "Its almost 4, so..... I guess you can stay for the remainder of the night"

"Yeah, I'm kinda beat", Steve replied while looking at Jamie attempting to hide wide grin that grew across his face. His concentration was broken by Hopper tossing a pillow and blanket at him.

"I can leave her here while you take the bed, or I can move her to the bed and you can sleep here", Hopper said with a yawn. "But the room is still... you know".

"If moving her is too much of a hassle, I'll sleep in the room", Steve replied as he stood from the couch and stretched.

Hopper bent down and squeezed an arm under Jamie's back and another under her legs. As he started to lift her, she groaned and whined.

"Owww", she whined halfway asleep with her eyes still closed.

"Shhh shhh", Hopper whispered as he nodded towards the couch for Steve to lay down as he carried Jamie to her bed stepping while stepping over the debris.

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