This is how we do

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" he's all yours 'mione"Blaise said as he smirked.
"This is gonna be fun. You see Draco, your kind words made me think. Maybe I should live a little. So I joined The Streets . Racing is now what I do for a living. It's what pays for my three manors and 250 cars"Hermione said. Draco looked beyond shocked. "That's when Me and Ginny found out I was adopted and I was actually A Zabini. Blaise fell in love with Ginny and married her yada yada yada and now here we are ."

"Holy shit. You three are the Z's" Draco said completely baffled.

Hermione smiled at the name. That was the shortened name that was used for her family in the racing world.
"You know it." Blaise said. He was now stood behind Hermione with his arm snaked around Ginnys waist. They were both wearing smirks.
" well fuck me. Who knew you had it in you Grang-Zabini. Nice tattoo by the way".

Hermione realised the top she was wearing . On her exposed left hip in fancy writing it said 'equated to something'

"Thanks Malfoy. You know what? A dickhead once said to me I wouldn't equate to anything. So when I made it in the racing world and became undefeated I decided that  was equating to something"

"What a dickhead" Draco said through a cheeky grin. "You know what Zabini, I take it back. Your not a bad driver"

"COPS!! SCATTER COPS!" Someone shouted.

Hermione wheeled round and shouted
Hermione climbed into her car. She shouted to Blaise and Ginny
Hermione sped off and hoped they all heard her. She knew Blaise and Ginny would go back to the manor anyway but She really wanted to tease Malfoy some more. She was furious at the cops. She got one race. ONE!. She scowled as she looked in her mirror to see a cop car chasing her. She took as sharp left.

Hermione smirked as she pulled up at her drive. She smirked as she saw Blaise , Ginny and Malfoys cars. They had got there before her. She did have a tail though. She walked through the door.

" 'Mione?! Is that you? What took you so long?" She heard Ginny before she even walked into the living room. There on one sofa were Blaise and Ginny snuggled up. And in an armchair was one very uncomfortable looking Malfoy.

"Just had a little bit of a chase. You know how it goes. Take a sharp turn and lose the cops"Hermione smirked

Draco thought he must be dreaming. He never imagined he would hear such words come out of The know-it-all's mouth.

" So Malfoy what you been doing with your life" Asked Hermione as she kicked off her shoes and sat on the sofa opposite to Blaise and Ginny.

"Nothing much. Just been racing really. Father dearest kicked the bucket and left me with a company I didn't want. So I sold it. Moved to Miami and started racing. Got engaged. Got unengaged. Nearly died but carried on racing "
"You nearly died?" Blaise said calmly almost as if he didn't care
"Yeah turns out my ex Fiancé has some very scary uncles" Draco said carelessly.

Draco would have never thought that one day he would be sat in a manor that belonged to Hermione Grang-Zabini
God that's gonna take some getting used to

" Do you know what? I'm glad I came to the streets tonight." Draco said suddenly
"And why's that Malfoy" Hermione questioned
" Two things really. One, I never thought I would see the day Blaise actually told Weaslette he liked her since year 3." Blaise glared at Malfoy. Ginny laughed.
"And two, I actually got proved wrong. I never thought that would happen"

"How the hell does your ego get through the door frame" Hermione scowled. Draco smirked
At least he admits he was wrong. Oh fuck he looks good when he smirks.Oh for fucks sake Hermione shut up.

"Still babble in your own mind I see Zabini"
"Please she's probably thinking about how she didn't get to pry off some poor blokes clothes this evening. I saw you scanning the crowed before the race. Hey! Maybe you can go back to what ever his name was from last night!" Ginny said sarcastically.
"His name was Mclaggen...I think" Hermione said with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.
" A racer and a slag. I really did underestimate you Zabini" Draco said
"I'm gonna need a drink" Hermione and Blaise said at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled.
"Oh Ginny I think it's your turn this evening for dinner and drinks"
"Dam it . I thought you might have forgot . Ok people Pizza and vodka alright?"
"I'm down" Hermione replied
"Sounds good babe" Blaise replied. "Draco doesn't have a choice" he added

A few minutes Ginny appeared with four one litre bottles of vodka. Draco just stared at her in shock.
"Why is he staring at me like that? Blaise what the fuck? Have I got something on my face?"
"No babe, you have to remember that Draco hasn't ever spent a night with us since school and even then it was just me and him with a four pack of strong bow between us."
"Ahhhh so he doesn't know how Zabini's do it" Hermione piped up" I think it a time he learnt."She took two bottles out of Gin's hands and passed one to Malfoy. "Welcome to Zabini manor Draco" she said with a smirk. She unscrewed the top off her own bottle and took a long swig.

"God I hate those fucking cops. Took me till fucking Notts manor to get rid of them"
She said as she screws the top a back of the bottle  like drinking out of a litter bottle of vodka was nothing and was completely normal.
"It was nice to see Brian, Dom and Mia though "Blaise said
"Agreed" Gin piped

The door bell rang.
"PIZZA!" The girls squealed

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