11- Nightmare at Dinner

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Mike hasn't lefted his house. He's been eating alot because of deep depression from Will and May leaving, especially Will.

He grabbed a glass of water and a bag of chips. He walked down the stairs to the basement. He grabbed the binder fill of Will's drawing, he began to eat his chips and drink his water.
"Mike you can't just look at his drawings and eat all day" Nancy said coming down the stairs and sat down next to him.
"What do you mean?"
Nancy sighed and grabbed the bag of chips. She then grabbed the binder full drawings.
"Hey" mummbled as he reached for it.
"What if I take everything that reminds you of Will away and see if you can take care of yourself better" she said as she took a piece of food out of Mike's hair
"As long as I take every Joanthan away"
"Ok, we take them out and put it all in a box and see if we can feel better about ourselves"
"Ok" he said helplessly
"This isn't a competition, you need to also help your OTHER friends"
Mike puffed at he walked out of the basement with Nace to get the stuff out of their rooms back into the basement.

Will was doing a little better but was still strongly depressed. Right now the losers were walking down the hallway with bags around ther shoulders walking out of school on the other side from exit.
"Come one Will, be happier" Ben said pushing his shoulder
"Because you can't stay in your room forever after school"
"Kids just dont want to be happy sometimes" Bev said
"Happy people make me feel uncomfortable" Stanley said. Bill gently slaped his arm.
"Take it back" he whispered
"You can't take back the truth"
The Losers all sighed as Will's head was looking down the ground, thoughts swimming around his brain. "Last night was a nightmare" was all he could get from his thoughts

Last Night

Will was rereading both of Mikes letters on his bed crisscrossed. He looked up to see Jane by the door.
"Dinners ready" she said walking away. Will sighed as he read
Your boyfriend Mike
From the first letter. He placed it down on his bed and walked down the stairs and saw his family setting the table.

Will wasnt paying attention to Jane arguing with everyone. He was slightly tossing his food around his plate with his fork. He looked up once Jane yelled his name.
"Will basically ruined my life!" She yelled
"How did I ruin your life?"
"You took Mike away-"
"Excuse me but I didn't think he liked me so I let you two be and Mike made the decision to dump your ass and be with me insead!" He yelles across the table
"You know what he is"
"His a fucking slut for you and only you"
"Hey!" Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper said once she said that
"Ok what you think is what you think, but once for your life leave Mike and my relationship with him out of every fucking argument you have at the dinner table!" He yelled as he stood up
"Maybe I will if you maybe stopped coming to the fucking dinner table!"
"A human needs food and water to live"
"Yeah maybe you should just die or run to Mike and fuck him because your a fucking slut too!"
"Jane!" Hopper yelled
"I'm not a fucking slut!"
"All you do is sit in your room and think about how you will be making out with Mike as you read his gross letters"
"They aren't gross!" He said pushed to table from saddness and anger. "Maybe you'll understand how hard it is to be away from him if you actually cared for him!"
Jane got upset at this comment and threw a plate across the kitchen with her powers. Will ran up the stairs trying to get to his as quickly as possible but fell down back to the table from Jane
"Fuck you!" He yelled as he ran quickly up to his room and slammed the door shut behind him and collapsed his body to the floor of his bedroom. Joanthan got up and knocked his bedroom door before entering to see him now crying on his bed still reading the letters that meant so much to him but such disappointment for Jane.

"Will hello?" Richie said looking down to Will
"Are you ok?" Eddie asked
"C-can I stay at one of your houses tonight?"
"My mom and dad aren't home, you can stay with me and Stan" Bill said
"Ok thanks"

The three boys got to Bill's house.
"Can I call my mom?"
"Sure thing the phone is in the kitchen" he said pointing to the kitchen
"Ok thank you"
"If anything we are in my room" Bill said

"Hi mom its Will"
"Hi Will is everything ok?"
"Uh yeah I'm staying over at Bill's tonight"
"Um ok just get home, no later then 2 o'clock tommoraw"
"Ok bye"
"Love you, have fun"
"Love you too" Will said as he took the phone away from his ear and hung it up. Will walked by Bill's room, be knocked on it "its Will" he mummbled.
"Come in"
Will opened the door and the two were playing some sort of board game.
"Wanna play with us?"
"I'm good" "thank you"
"You mind telling us whats wrong"
"Bill, its a long story"
"Ok so your staying the night, its ok if you dont want to tell us but we just want to know what wrong"
"Mike?" Stanley asked
"Yes and Jane"
"What's wrong with Jane?"

Mike was in his room with all his reminders of Will away down in the basement in a box. He called his friends to come over, he was waiting for them. He heard a knock from the door. He sighed as he walked down the stairs knock knock he walked to the door and opened it. He saw Lucas, Dustin and Max.
"Shit what did you do to yourself?" Max asked
All Mike did was shrug as he walked away back up the stairs to his room, with the others following him. "What? You haven't been taking care of yourself?" Max asked again
Mike shrugged "its just been different"
"Dont forget we're going soon for New Years" Lucas joined
"But yeah its been different" Dustin sadly said.
"I wish they didn't move" Mike hesitated "but Jane can go f-"
"Mike!" They all said the chuckled after.
"Just kinda wish they were here"

New Years

The party and Nancy were driving to the Byers new house. Hopper and Joyce said not to call or write anything about the visit, because it's a surprise for Will and May. Will was at Richie's with Stanley. Mike told Richie about the surprise the night begore and the party and Rich made a plan to surprise the two.
The phone rung in the house of Richies "I'll get it" Richie said running knowing what it was for
"Hello" "yep bye" Richie then hung up.
He sat back down "this is boring can we maybe go to your house?"
"Sure if you two want" the two nodded.
Richie grabbed his bike from the shed and Stanley and Will were waiting for him. "I call debs on your bed!" Richie yelled racing infront of the two boys.

The boys arrived. Will took out his key from his bag he brought to Richie he unlocked the door.
"Mom I'm home! Richie and Stan are here" He yelled
"Ok just behave"
"Were going to my room"
"Ok have fun" she smiled
Will walked up the stairs with Rich and Stan following. He opened his door, the first thing he saw was Dustin in his bed.
"Will!" Dustin yelled exiced to see him finally. The two hugged
"Where are the others?"
The rest tumbled out of the closet.
"Lucas move" Max said shoving Licas away. Max smiled and hugged Will

"I missed so much" Will hugged Max tighter. They released and Will saw Mike and froze. Max turned around to also see Mike standing behind her. She stepped away then Will hugged Mike so tightly you can see it. Mike hugged as tightly slightly swaging the two boys. Everyone watched in awe, it was what they were all waiting for.
"I missed you, Will"
"I did too" Will said kissing the tip of Mikes nose. "May would love to see you guys" Will said excited grabbing Mike's hand and running to Mays room. Jane happened to be coming out of her room and glaced at where Wills hand was. With Mike's hand.

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