3- Morning

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Will woke up on Mike's lap he looked up at Mike who was smiling down at him
"Good morning beautiful"
"Good morning" Will triedly said sitting up
"I love you Byers"
"I love you more"
Mike slowly leaned in and Will followed. The two where close until Mike moved away from hearing someone come down from the hallway making the two blush.
"Hey boys, Mike I called your Mom she said come home whenever you want but call her before leaving" "oh and Will there is left overs in the fridge, have something for dinner ok, love you bye" Joyce rushed. Before Will and Mike could say anything she shut the door and drove off making Mike giggle
"What's so funny?"
"I dont know"
Will smiled leaning his head back of Mike. Mike wrapped his arms around Will's smaller body and kissed the top of his head "breakfast?"
"Uh yeah" Will said standing up "What do you want?"
"Seriously, I need you to tell me something to eat"
"Um pancakes, eggs or-" Mike said but cut off by a knock on the door. Will walked over to see Jane and Jim
"Hi kid, we brought some eggos and sagases"
"Oh thanks" Will looked over at Mike and he shrugged
"You boys want any?"
"Yeah. Thanks Hop" Mike said
Will moved so the two can come in be Jane proposaly shoved Will with her shoulder. Will then sat down next to Mike as Hopper put two plates in front of the boys and infront of himself and Jane
"You dont mind if you continue moving in do you"
"No we don't its fine" Will lied as he glaced at Jane chocking down her eggos. Will and Mike kept giving cute glaces at each other making Jane even more jeousle.
"Kid how is your hand?" Hoppet said looking at Wills hand
"Oh it's a lot better"

"Ok kids we are going to continue moving in"
"Ok Hop" Will faked a smile on his face
"Want to call the others?"
"Yeah, but dont tell them about us"
"Yeah of course" Mike smiled as he watched Will walk to the phone.
"Hi Max" "Yeah I'm good you?" "Good. Mike and I are wondering if you want to hangout with us with the others" "Ok see you soon" Will hung up then called Dustin
"Hello?' "Hi how are you?" "I'm good too. Mike and-" "Shut up" "Mike and I were wondering-" "No Dustin, No" "we were wondering if you want to hangout with us with Max and Lucas?" "She is moving in with Hopper" "Yeah really busy" "Ok see you" then called Lucas "Hi Lucas" "yeah" "Mike and I were wondering if you want to hangout with us?" "Yeah of course with Max and Dustin" "shes busy, really busy" "Ok see you soon"
"So there coming"

Sorry the short story. I needed to update and school is a lot on me. But the weekend is today whoop whoop!!!

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