7- hospital

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Will woke up confused in a different room then he was in before. It was all white with blue tiled floor. He looked to his right to see Steve,Dustin, Lucas and Max. He then looked left he saw Joyce, Joanthan, May, Nancy and 3 empty seats.
Will looked at his wrist to see something stapped in it he looked around to realize he was in a hospital room
"Mom?" He weakly said "what happened?"
"Oh honey you passed out, for like a hour"
He saw a nurse walk in
"Hey Byers, what do you remember at school?"
"I remember the teacher teaching us about Math and I was with Dustin and Max and I started to feel dizzy so I stopped and everything just went dark"
"Ok how much have you been drinking and eating?"
"Not much"
"When was the last time you done one of those"
"Tuesday?!" He looked over at Joyce "he's going to have to stay here for while"
"Wait why?"
"Will honey its Monday its been about six days since you eaten or dranken" Joyce told him
"Is this because of-" Dustin asked but was cut off
"Mike" he said under his breath
"What about him?" Nancy asked
Jonathan told her about the breakup
"Will, he is coming"
"What!" "No no no" he said panicking and holding his tears, his heart rate went quickly. Until he started to take deep breaths. He looked over at the door to see Mike opening it, Mike shyly waved but Will didn't do anything but look over at his right. Mike sat sadly down next to Nancy. Will was fighting back his tears, Max could tell
"Its ok Will" She mouthed but Will shook his head before closing his eyes. Will was now asleep and same with everyone but Dustin and Mike. Dustin walked over to Mike.
"Hey" Mike said with no emotion
"I'm sorry about everything"
"Its not your fault its mine"
"Jane. She's messing with my head, its like she was trying to take Will away from me and it was working" he said tears slowly falling down his face
"Mike just talk to him maybe you guys can still be friends"
"But he doesn't want me when I want him"
"He does, he just doesn't want his heart broken again"
"Uh what happened to Will anyways?"
"He passed out for a long time"
"Shh" "he said it happened because of you"
"He hasn't eaten since Tuesday"
"The day we broke up" "I feel awful"
"Just talk to hi-" Dustin was cut off from groaning
"Hey Will" Dustin said making Will look over and smile to Dustin. He looked over at Mike but kept his smile. Mike smiled back
"Hi" Will finally said
"Hi" they both said "Will" Mike said
"Yes Mike?"
"I'm sorry for everything and I was stupid about hanging out with Jane and I'm just really sorry"
"Mike" he weakly smiled "it's ok"
"Yeah it hurts alot but I dont want that to ruin- us"
Mike smiled amd Will smiled back them both looking deeply into each others eyes making Dustin feel like a third wheel. Will missed Mike alot and wanted them back together, Mike wanted that too. Dustin coghed to end the moment. Will looked over at Dustin as Dustin smiled at him. Dustin knew how to keep secrets but now it feels like everyone is coming to him for love advice, he got it from Steve but tries to help. First it was Will with loving Mike then it was Max with this girl she lefted at California before moving now its Mike with Will. Dustins thought got cut off as Jane and Hopper walked in. Hopper waved at Will and Will waved back. Jane glaced at Will and Mike and rolled her eyes.
"Uh Will I brought this, just in case you get bored" he said as he digged in his bag, Will looked at Dustin who just shrugged.
"I got you a new sketchbook, because- yeah"
Will smiled "Thanks" he softly said
"You want it now?"
"Did you bring pencils?" Mike's face went blank
"No" he mouth making Will giggle
"Its ok, but I dont want it right now. Thank you" he softly said
Mike nodded "No promble" he softly said. Now it was awarked silence.
"How are you feeling?" Hopper broke the silence
"Uh better" he shrugged.

It was now time for everyone to leave Will. Mike didn't want to leave but Max and Lucas draged him out. Outside of the hospital Mike was trying to get in, Max slapped.
"What the hell was that for?"
"Do you still like him after breaking his heart because you wanted to spend time with Jane?"
"Jane doesn't have anything to do with this!" Hopper yelled
"Yes she does because me to lose my everything because I was dumb enough to fall into her stupid trap!" He yelled making Hopper quiet. Mike slammed the doors opened.
"Hey visiting hours are over"
"I dont care, I need to see him!"
"No you may not"
"Please sir, I need to"
"5 minutes only"
"Thank you sir" he said before running up the stairs to Will's room.
He opened the door.
"Mike?" "Mike visiting hours are-" he then was cut off by a pair of lips on his. He saw Mike, Mike pulled way and rubbes his neck.
"I know we broke up but I want to be together agian, and I'm stupid to fall into Jane's trap-"
"Mike" Will cut him off
"I want that too"
"Yes" he said before kissing Mike back
"Can we just not tell the others, not yet"
"Yeah, bye I have to sleep" he smiled
"I love you, goodnight"
"I love you too" he said befor Mike closed the door. Mike had to act like he was still sad after the break up and he did a perfect job nobody expected a thing or did they?

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