Council of Elrond.

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All from Sapphire's P.O.V from here on in:

I heard the rustle of leaves and the snapping of twigs as the figures approached me from up ahead. I knew I was being followed for three days now, I didn't know who they were and what they wanted, I only knew that I was the wrong person to stalk.

Nasha, my wolf companion growled lowly as she too heard the noises of my followers. I patted her head and tried to get her to stop growling but she was always so protective of me.

Taking out my bow and nocking an arrow silently, I pointed it at the leader of the group and came out from my hiding spot. Nasha was at my side, growling at the followers with her huge teeth bared.

Finally having a decent look at my followers, I realised they were elves. They didn't draw their weapons, in fact, it was as if they expected me to come out with my bow drawn. The thing they did not expect was the great wolf at my side.

The elven party looked up at me and realized their mistake in following me the way they did. I had a black scarf wrapped around my mouth, nose and chin, showing only my deep blue eyes which were currently full of rage.

"You should know better than to startle me, if I had mistaken you for orcs, you would already be dead." I spoke calmly but with a lace of anger in my voice.

"I am sorry, my lady, but we have brought an invitation from Lord Elrond for you to come to Rivendell with us," he came forward and handed me a scroll as I lowered my bow.

"Rivendell?" I retorted, reading the scroll from Lord Elrond.

"A meeting?" I scoffed, "Why would Lord Elrond want a ranger at some boring meeting?"

"Lord Elrond would not say, he only asks that you trust his word." The elf who had handed the scroll to me said.

I was not usually the one who could be saught out and demanded to attend meetings with high elves but I had met Lord Elrond before and knew he was one of the wisest elves in all of Middle-Earth. If he needed me to attend a meeting in Rivendell then I would have to anyways out of curiosity.

With a whistle, a great black horse burst out from the bushes and galloped to my side. The other elves jumped while I just laughed and hopped onto the saddle of my horse, StarLight.

"Best not keep Lord Elrond waiting..." I chuckled as I followed the party of elves towards Rivendell.


"Ah, my lady Sapphire," Lord Elrond smiled warmly as he came to meet me, "I am afraid there is no time for delay, the meeting is to be held shortly, you are later than expected."

"Forgive me, my Lord," the elf who was leader of the party spoke up, "She is not an easy person to find..."

"I should hope not." I glared back at him, my eyes boring into him threateningly.

Lord Elrond dismissed the elves around us and begun to lead me to the place the meeting was about to be held. By the time we got there, all the other members were ready and sat down.

With no chance to change into something more appropriate for a meeting of this importance, I was still in my black ranger gear and had all my weapons on me.

Nasha was at my heels, growling at people she thought were a threat. All those in the council tried not to flinch as the huge wolf bared it's teeth at them.

The elves regarded me with curiosity as to why one of their kin was carrying an axe and hammer on their back. The dwarves were equally as confused. I had a quiver of arrows and a sword strapped to my belt and a bow strung over my shoulder. My axe and hammer were on her back and my daggers behind them. I was dressed all in black with knife holders wherever I could put them. I really was an anomaly to all the races.

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