Chapter 10

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John hurried and grabbed his green flashlight, there was thunder nearby. He knew that his phones light could've worked as well, but the flashlight could also be used as a bat. As John lightened up the place, he noticed there was signs for the stairs. There was no signs of any broken old elevators anywhere. John looked around and saw the remnants of a staircase, it looked as if a bomb had gone off on the stairs. He didn't think it was a good idea to climb, but he had no choice. John's curiousity had caught up to him now, he couldn't help it. He noticed he could pull himself up to the railing from the 6th step. So that's exactly what he tried to do... He fell and heard a loud crack. "Dammit", John was surprised to hear his own voice echo across the room. He wondered if there was anyone else in the building, there had to be. "Hey, I could use some help". Nobody answered. John got up slowly and strained his back doing so. I should probably just go back, this is crazy he thought. But it wasn't going to be so easy, there was now a lock on the door. A big shiny metal lock. Somebody had to be there. John began to feel uneasy and a bit confused. "OK, I KNOW YOUR IN HERE". John shuttered as his voice boomed down the dark black hall. He waved the flashlight around as he looked for more doors. He now noticed the desk in the main lobby, covered with dust it had a handprint on the counter. The fingers looked much longer than a humans. John was now determined to find an exit. He couldn't find anything before he was knocked to the ground. His eyes quickly swept the room for any figure. Then he heard the flashlight click. "You should have never came here". The voice was sharp but pretty. "I know, just let me out then"! John didn't know if he could reason with this person. He heard a sigh, "It's to bad, I can't let you leave now". John clenched his jaw and closed his eyes as the flashlight swung down and bashed him on the head. The last sound he heard before he blacked out was click clack of high heels in the distance. He woke up chained to railing of the ruined stairs. Just this time, on the second story. He couldn't concentrate for more than a few seconds before it began to hurt. He turned his head to look away from the drop. He was on a ledge, almost encouraged to fall. He saw to the side that there was a faint glowing light coming from under a closed door. So there is power after all, he thought. It was no use to him however as his hand was handcuffed to the railing, and his phone was most likely smashed to pieces below him. What to do, what to do...

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