Chapter 4

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Through the tall doors stumbled the one person John didn't want to see. He didn't think he'd have to meet Alice, and see his mother in one day. She was in her 50s but denied it the best she could. Her long curled hair was dyed a bright blonde and her mascara coated her fake lashes. She wore a tight yellow skirt with tan sandals. She looked 30 something, but John knew she was fake. Dan smirked at the sight of her. The bar was filled with an awkward silence. Dan finally managed a "Hey hon, your boys here".  John squinted, his mother was going to stay a while. She went behind the bar, and put her arms around him. John gagged, he hated to see her do this. Dan chuckled. Dan and her were both equally offsetting with their age, but at least Dan was real. "So how are my two favorite men doing today", she said in her southern drawl. She had grown up in Alabama, but moved to Greensboro North Carolina for her dad. John understood why she liked the old man, just not why she had to move. At the time he was only 10, a few years later after the scratch. Despite not wanting to talk John muttered "Just great ma, you really made the day". John wasn't pleased his celebration was wrecked. He subtly paid his tab, and left without a simple bye. He knew that it would be better for everyone if he didn't stick around. Not wanting to drive under the influence, John sat at a bench nearby and smoked the last cig of his pack. He groaned and finally came to the decision to call his friend. He punched Rob's number into his cell and waited. Rob was a friend John met in college, Rob never caught on with the world after and didn't grow up. Rob lived in his uncle's apartment.  After a while Rob picked up the phone. "Hey, if it isn't my pal John Abe". Ron thought it was funny to call him that because John somewhat resembled Lincoln. John knew what he wanted to say, problem was actually saying it. "Hey so", John paused "Code 3". In college, Rob invented the code system. 1 was sober, 2 was drunk but ok, 3 was get me now. John didn't want to know what 4 meant... Sometime later Rob pulled up in a dented utility van. John stumbled inside the warm interior. Rob had surprisingly short hair. John didn't really know what to say, "Thanks for coming". Rob just shined his crooked smile and said "no problémo". They started driving to John's but John realized that Rob's apartment was in walking distance. "Hey, mind if I stay at your place for the night". Rob turned on the radio, and leaned his seat back. "I thought you would say that, he said smugly as he made a not so smooth U-turn. "Thanks", by now John was tired and fell asleep in the passenger seat.

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