Chapter 5

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John had a sudden awakening. Rob was shaking his legs around and shouting for him to wake up. Johns eyes opened wide "I'm up"! Rob laughed "took you long enough". Rob had some toast and jam on a cluttered table nearby. John looked at his wrist, and remembered he took it off in his car. "What time is it", he couldn't find a clock anywhere. Rob looked around "Dunno". John quickly splashed some water on his face, brushed his hair with his hands and proceeded to the table. He gobbled up the cooled toast. "Hey, thanks for everything". John bolted out the door as Rob plopped down to watch TV. Quickly running down the stairs John tried to remember the way to his car from the apartment. He went outside and took a deep breath. John didn't ever like to be rushed. He squinted and remembered the parelell street intersecting to the bar. He waved hi to Rob's uncle Johan on the bench outside. "Hey John, how you been". John didn't think he had time to talk, but he needed the time desperately. "Not to bad, how's about you". Johan put his newspaper aside and looked at his stained watch. "Won't waste your time boy, judging by your face, you need to know it". "The time is bout six thirty". John had a short sigh of relief. His work started at seven o clock. "Thank you, have a good morning", John ran across the street as Johan read the Greensboro daily. The clank of his boots were a sound like a metronome. He reached inside his coat pocket and hoped to God his keys were in there. John must've been spiritual that day because he felt his keys in the bottom of his pocket. He approached his car and unlocked it. He slid in and drove as fast as legally possible to his work. He arrived six minutes late, but was still able to say he made it. He punched his card in and got his envelope of the day, along with some paperwork for the weekend. He went back in his car and took some time to breath. John decided if he was going to survive, he needed some coffee. He drove to his favorite cafe, "la Dulce". He liked the lively music and the park it was next too. He parked in the small lot and went inside the small tan building. The walls looked like coffee themselves. It smelled of fall and lots of pumpkin spice. Now that he had his envelope he had the rest of the day to deliver the bad news. He didn't believe himself to be doing the dirty work, just being the messenger. He ordered his favorite frappe and looked out the window. Something about the almost leaf less trees was peaceful. He quieted his mind to listen to all the little sounds, the coffee, foot steps, music. It was moments like these John lived for, and as John said before, I don't work I just live.

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