High School DxD OC - 03

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Name: Godric Thorson

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (When Canon Starts)

Species: 1/4 Elder God, 1/4 Norse God, & 1/2 Human (Demi-God)

Power Level: Leader Class (When Canon Starts)

Sacred Gear: Zenith Tempest

Weapon: Copy Of Mjolnir (w/ The Same Powers & Is Virtually Indestructible)

Known Powers: Weather Manipulation, Divine Lightning Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation, Divine Wind Manipulation, Wind Manipulation, Divine Water Manipulation, Water Manipulation, & Earth Manipulation, (Due To Heritage), His Sacred Gears Power (Zenith Tempest - Weather Manipulation, Holy Lightning Manipulation, Holy Wind Manipulation, Holy Water Manipulation, & Can Help To Better Control His Powers), His Godly War Hammers Power (Mjolnir? - Can Help To Better Control His Powers & Sealing), When Combining His Divine Elements (Lightning, Wind, & Water) & Holy Elements He Can Manipulate Even Deadlier Elements (Which is Stronger Than Even His Father's Elements), Grand Master Of War Hammer's

Family: Thor Odinson (Father), Unknown Mother, Odin (Paternal Grandfather), Gaia (Paternal Grandmother)

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