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Steve's POV

I opened my eyes and immediately closed them. My eyelids felt heavy as if they were glued to my skin. The thick and intense rays of the sun penetrated my eyes. I shut my eyes  even more tightly trying to tolerate them , swallowing the lump in my throat.

My ear drums opened as I heard the sound of beeping. I looked to my side and saw a machine, I had never it seen before. My breathing was still uneven as confusion rose through my body. Where am I?

I opened my eyes. This time completely. My fists released open. Though I didn't know I was holding them. I looked around.

It was a huge room. The  walls were white washed. The room had one bulb but it was switched off because of the intensity of the sunlight. I turned around to see the machines again. My eyes travelled to the green wire protruding from them and reaching my arms , legs and chest. I gasped.

Again....where am I?

"Good morning captain" I was brought out of my trance by a thick voice. I looked forward.

Sitting in front of me was a man, half as my height and bald. His one eye was covered with a black eye patch and the other was intensely looking at me. He was awfully dressed in black trousers , black t- shirt and black jacket .A black suit to be precise.

Now there was a second question.

Who was he?

"How was your sixty-five year sleep captain?" He asked me. My head snapped at him. It felt as if I was hit by a rock. Sixty five years?!

"What?" I spoke for the first time. I  felt like the blood flow  through  my veins had resumed and I was alive. I actually felt alive.

The man chuckled.

" is it?" I asked him fearing the answer. He smiled.

"It's 2011..."

Erica's POV

"Come on Michelle!!! Get up!" I called out. I looked at the clock. It was nine-thirty and I needed to rush to the hospital.

My thirteen year old sister came down, rubbing her eyes. I awed at her.

"Good morning Erica" she greeted. I smiled. "Good morning to you too my darling, come and have your breakfast, I need to rush, goodbye" I kissed her cheek. She in turn gave a smile.

"Come home soon" she said as I closed the door behind me. I just unlocked my car and rushed out.

I reached the hospital and I took out my employee card. It was scanned as I entered and then saw Mr Director sitting in the recovery room.

I tilted my head as our eyes met and then and I looked over to the heavy built man seated across the room. His eyes were blue and intense, as deep as the ocean and his hair was blonde. He was as fair as milk with his ears a little pink. He had a straight aquiline nose and jaws clenched with...confusion.

"Who is she? And where am I?" He asked in and old American accent. I sighed .

"You are in a recovery a hospital in New York...I am Dr Erica Jones , your medic" I said. He looked at me. Nodding in frustration and then he started looking at his clothes.The rugged white T-shirt and ochre trousres. Dusting them with irritation. What was he actually trying to do?

I looked at Mr Director

"Agent Scar.." he addressed me. I flinched at the name. The man looked at me. Confused by the two different names of the same person. Though he asked nothing.

"You had been in a brain dead condition for sixty five years Captain" I spoke and immediately saw him putting his head in his hands. He nodded in disbelief.

"I should not be alive" he said tugging at the wires as the insulin came off his arm. I went to adjust them again.

"You had been found frozen in the ice Captain, and it's a miracle that you are still alive. But you won't be for longer if you keep tugging at the wires. Now if you will please let Mr Director speak" I requested. He snatched his arms away from me.

I sighed as I stepped back .

"Agent Scar...there is no time for me to introduce, I would like you to do that for me" Not again! Director looked at me and left.

I knew he trusted me but sometimes it had a hard price to pay. I took a stool and sat in front of Captain.

"So here it is....I am Agent Violet Scar and he is Director Nick Fury" I said. Captain looked at me.

"Director of what?", He asked. His broken voice clearing with each word he spoke.

"The's an organisation..." Before I could continue he stopped me.

"Enough! That's suffocating me" he retorted. His pulses were increasing. I could not take the risk. I stopped.

"It's all's all the information you need to know right now" I smiled at him and made him lay down.

I left the room just to return back in ten minutes and found him nowhere to be seen.

The wires were scrambled and all over the place. The machines were thrown, crushed. I propped myself to my feet and rushed out to find him.

He was nowhere near the parking lot. I ran even faster and reached the main street and yes, I found him there.

He was running franatically in the street. I rushed to him as fast as possible and caught him by the arm.

"I thought I told you to lay down!" I screamed at him. My breaths were short for the unexpected running.I had my hands on my knees huffing . He released his arm again.

"It's better you would have said I was still in 1945" he told me. I stopped where I was.

Suddenly a guilt rose through my body. He belonged to 1945, he had all his family there and losing a family could be really well understood by an orphan like me. His words made me understand how confused he really was.

I caught his arm again. This time more delicately.

"I understand you Captain....but please cooperate and come back" I looked at him pleadingly and he seemed to oblige too. He held my hand this time.

I guided him back to the hospital and treated the wounds formed in his foot. Though he did not need them. He was a super soldier after all. The I walked towards my overcoat and took out a round object. It was a compass.

I opened it and saw the picture of a woman. Sensible by her looks, paper white complextion and her deep red lips holding a smile. Her wavy brown hair representing the waves of the ocean and her deep burgundy orbs...told how brave she was.

I very well knew who she was, Margaret Carter. The most capable female agent of the American army during the nineteen forties.

"Here...I think it's yours" I handed the round gold object to him. For the first time I saw the shine in his eyes but it soon vanished as he clutched the compass tight in his hands.

The words which he spoke next broke my heart all over again.

"We had a date...."

The Violet Scar: An Avengers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now