Chapter 1: Bad Boy Is My New Partner

Start from the beginning

"I don't see why not," that cool voice made me jump a bit but a hand ruffling my head prevented me from jumping too high.

I swear this jerk is a ninja.

I glanced up at Sasuke, "The freshmeat needs a little playtime while I catch my breath."

He never lost his smirk. I waved him off but his stronger hand never left as he continued, "Plus, if he's as good as he was during tryouts, then he'd be helpful after I graduate, not that he can ever be as good as myself, that is."

Cocky bastard, I rolled my eyes.

"Oi! Hinata! Sasuke!" a cheery voice turned all our attentions towards a beautiful blondie with very long hair tied in a ponytail and her bangs covering half her face. She was flaked by another beautiful cheerleader with short light pink hair (it's natural, strangely) and emerald green eyes. Not too far back, two other cheerleaders both with buns were laughing together.

I escaped the coach and the captain straight into the arms of Ino and Sakura.

"Nice flipping ladies," I complimented. "That final backspring as Sasuke-kun was m-making that b-basket was perfect timing, S-Sakura."

The said person covered her cheeks as if embarrassed, but she is as cocky as our lovely captain.

"Oh stop it, Hinata," she slapped my shoulder playfully. I continued smiling at her.

By now, the stands were almost empty since everyone was either in the bathroom or stampeding the food stands. If student council say they don't have enough money to make our junior prom awesome, I'll slap each and everyone of them...

"Hey ladies," Sasuke called. "Love to stay and chat but gotta go. Catch you all later!"

"Just go," Ino shooed him with hand motions. "We don't want you here anyway."

He rushed after his team without another word. I heard a long breathe being released behind me. Turning, I saw Sakura trying her best to hide her blushing face. This girl has it bad.

"Why don't you just tell him that you like him?" the blonde with the buns suddenly said. "I think he knows anyway."

Sakura whipped around to face the taller girl, "He doesn't know, Temari. Because I've never dropped hints. Liking him from afar is so much safer."

"From what?" we all asked in unison.

Our friend blushed again and didn't answer.

Temari smirked, "That's what I thought."

Sakura moved to attempt to choke the poor girl with her orange pom pom but the last remaining girl with buns exclaimed, "Girls look!"

Turning our heads, we saw our principal; a lady in her mid-fifties strolling into the gym with her hands clamped behind her back. Behind her... one of the most hottest guy ever followed, his hands in his dark skinny jeans. He was wearing a black leather jacket covering an orange shirt underneath. His blonde hair spiked and his crystal blue eyes glittered with boredom. On his cheeks, some cute little whiskers marks.

My heart suddenly tightened then picked up at impossible speeds. It was my cheeks' turn to grow red as he scanned the gym with a bored expression. Headmaster Tsunade was explaining to him something about the gym but he found some sophomore girls walking past him more interesting. That little smile playing on his lips explained that much.

"He's pretty hot," Tenten murmured to all five of us. "I'd date him."

Sakura didn't agree, "He's a little to...creepy."

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