PIP (Personal Is Political)

21 4 6

"Can't you just ..."
my mom used to say,
"... let it roll off you like water off a duck's back?"

She might understand different
now she's in that higher place.
I was practicing what she taught.

All her life she struggled
for human rights.
Struggled against oppression.

Now I struggle ...
to find words for a feeling
that's dogged me for half a century.
But it's more important than ever.

I hated the way people hurt her
and took advantage of her

She made excuses for them.
She didn't tolerate injustice -
except from "loved ones".

I want a higher definition of love.
Love that begins the theme
of justice and respect.

This is my stand.
This is where I make my stand,
under the butterfly's wings.

Maybe I'll end up alone.
But people don't necessarily stay
with you because you let them
hurt you.

always had

So do I.

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