Chapter 12 - Grateful

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My eyes were heavy and tired the next late morning. It took me a moment to wake properly and realise Jeff was kissing my neck, making my skin crawl. I tried saying something so he'd stop, but my throat was sore and my lips felt dry, I haven't had much to drink at all lately, let alone eat. I ignored my aching stomach, my bladder was hurting way more, I had to pee soon. I cleared my throat and said croakily,"J-Jeff, I need the toilet." He stopped pecking my neck and squeezed my waist tighter in his hug. "What do you say?"Jeff whispered. I paused, I was too tired to understand what he meant at first but then I quickly spoke up. "P-Please,"I said hopefully. He smiled then and brushed a strand of my hair away from my face, my plaits were messy now. "Good girl. Okay, I'll let you spend a little time in the bathroom,"Jeff said.

He got out of bed and pulled the blanket off me, taking out his pocket knife once again. I remained as still as I could when he cut through the rope to untie my hands, a huge sense of relief washed through me when I realised I could finally move my hands again, but I was also scared he'd accidentally cut my hand. He seemed to know what he was doing though, and his hand was steady, never once slipping his grip. Jeff smiled when he unraveled the last bit of rope from my wrists, allowing me to carefully stretch my arms out and bend my wrists, they ached badly. There was a red pattern imprinted on my wrists where the rope was tight against my skin, I rubbed them since they felt sore. Jeff gently held my hand to see and asked,"Does it hurt?" I wanted to scowl at him for a second, why would he care after he tortured me yesterday? I quickly reminded myself that he was trying to be nice now and that I'm supposed to be nice too. Well, I need to act nice at least.

"A little,"I replied in a whisper. Jeff stared at my wrists for a second before holding one and leaning down to kiss my hand tenderly, as if he were a gentleman. I blushed and secretly shivered from it being unexpected but then forced a smile at him. He smiled back at me then stared down at my bandaged leg. "You won't be able to stand for long, so if you're planning to wash, have a bath instead of a shower,"he told me. I nodded to that and tried edging closer to the side of the bed without irritating my leg. I let Jeff slip one hand under my knees and the other around my waist to carry me bridal style, he was careful as he lifted me from the bed but even so I winced and clenched my teeth from the throb in my thigh. I held back my tears, I didn't know what would make him mad again.

He was gentle as he carried me slowly out the room, reminding me when he took me safely home after those criminals nearly raped me. I liked that Jeff. I felt like I knew him better then, I considered him my friend, like when we were younger. He was annoying and mean, but I didn't care, that was nothing compared to now. My face crumpled up again, he's not the same anymore and I don't think I can change him back. I didn't think I even wanted to anyway, not after he tortured me.

I think Jeff could see I was nearly crying. "Is your leg hurting that much?"he asked. I shook my head no after a moment, it is hurting tremendously but that wasn't the main reason I was near tears right now. He stopped outside the bathroom door and smiled at me. "So it's not hurting huh? That means I can carry you home then,"Jeff said. My heart thudded at the mistake I made, my injured leg is the whole reason he's letting me stay here another day. He suddenly chuckled and I stared at him in confusion. "It's okay Casey, I know you're just forcing yourself not to cry. I understand it's hurting badly, you don't have to hide it from me,"Jeff said. I breathed out silently in relief and looked him in the eye when it felt safe to. "I won't be mad if you cry." Jeff pushed open the bathroom door with his foot so he wouldn't have to release me.

He gently placed me down on the toilet seat and asked me to wait patiently for a minute. I was desperate to just use the toilet but I forced myself to wait as he asked, my bladder was hurting the most it's ever felt and I tried not to shift uncomfortably. Jeff returned with my old baggy blue jeans and another white t-shirt for me, placing it on the bathroom sink, he also took out a fresh roll of bandages from his pocket. He turned to leave the room,"I'll leave you to it then." He paused before he shut the door. "Unless you..need some help?" I got chills at the thought of him bathing me and quickly said,"I'll be alright." I hesitated, in case that sounded too disgusted, I decided to thank him at the last second. "But Th-Thank you, Jeff." I saw him smile a little before he closed the door for my privacy.

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