Chapter 11 - Persuading Him

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"I'll steal you away into the forest, you'll live with me and be mine forever." I stared at him with fearful eyes, my mouth slightly open. Tears pricked at my eyes again, I don't want to leave home and never see my family again. Jeff tucked a loose strand of my hair back in place and smiled. "It's either freedom or your parent's life, you can't have it both ways my doll,"Jeff said, with a sickeningly sweet tone to his voice. He rubbed my cheek as I cried silently in defeat, I wasn't going to let my parents die, but I didn't want to be taken away so easily. I needed a plan, but I didn't know what to do. Jeff patted my cheek lightly,"Well, I know you have a big heart and would never let them die, so I'm going to assume you've chosen to be mine. You'll be in your rightful home soon enough my doll." I sobbed more from his words and realised I was shaking badly. Jeff glanced at the window again, he stared at the pinkish sky where the sun was starting to set, then he stared back at me. "In fact, I'll take you home now,"he said happily.

Jeff got off my lap to stand by the bed and pulled the blanket off me, revealing my bruised legs and the large bandage wrapped around my left thigh, there was a stain of blood seeping through it and I felt sick remembering what he did a few hours ago. As he was about to untie my wrists I started panicking, I didn't want to go, I needed more time. I automatically tried hunching my legs up to my chest in fear, but I immediately whimpered and cried loudly from the stinging and throbbing pain on my thigh. Jeff sighed as I slowly shifted my leg back in its original position and kept it immobile, I clenched my teeth from how much it hurt as more tears spilled down my face. "You shouldn't have done that Casey, don't move,"Jeff told me. I had a sudden quick idea to keep this abduction on hold. "W-Wait! Jeff it really hurts, please I can't walk all the way there,"I said sadly. Jeff took his pocket knife out again making me tense up, but he was only going to use it to cut the rope which held my hands together. He ran a finger along the blade and said,"No dummy I'll carry you there, I understand you're in no condition for walking." I swallowed and thought hard, determined to persuade him. "No, J-Jeff it really hurts to touch and I don't want to move it,"I rambled. Jeff paused to stare at my sad eyes then gave in and put his knife down to examine my wound, he crouched down beside the bed and unbandaged my thigh a few times carefully, I had a glimpse of the deep cut and turned my head away quickly to avoid fainting again.

He touched it once with his finger which made me flinch and whimper loudly, my eyes still filling with tears. Jeff wrapped the bandage around my leg again and patted it very lightly. "Poor girl, as fragile as a doll too aren't you?"Jeff smirked, a delighted look in his cold eyes. I shuddered from how he was smiling over my pain. "I'll get you some more painkillers then." He was about to head out to get some but I stopped him. "No, the painkillers w-won't work, it's not enough,"I protested. Jeff's fingers twitched a little from my arguing, he was slowly losing his smile. "You know Casey, I'm really not liking how you keep telling me 'no', I suggest you stop that now,"he said sternly. I felt my cheeks go red, he probably knows I'm trying to escape this. "I-I'm sorry, I j-just don't think the pills will help...I promise to be yours just please give me t-two more days to recover,"I pleaded. I was only realising now how much I've been stuttering recently, I couldn't tell whether I was just nervous or always terrified of him now.

My heart beat sped up when he narrowed his eyes at me angrily. "Do you think I'm stupid? You said it yourself that your parents will be back in two days. Don't think you can fool me Casey, you'll only get another punishment if you continue this further,"Jeff said, in total disbelief of my words. I tried not to show my worried expression when he caught me out, but for some wild reason, I was determined to convince him to let me stay a little longer. I was desperate. "Then take me away Sunday morning!"I blurted out, he arched an eyebrow in question. "They won't be back until the evening, s-so take me then!" Jeff stared at me for a long while, my heart was racing in fear of him torturing me again for trying to escape this, but luckily he didn't look angry anymore. He looked rather suspicious instead. "Why are you willing to leave your family behind all of a sudden?"Jeff asked. I dreaded hearing that question even though I was expecting it. I took a deep breath. He's a cruel, sadistic asshole, but I knew even he had feelings for me. If I said the right words, something that will please him, he might just grant me this favor of waiting another two days.

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