Chapter 10 - Beg

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Unfortunately, I awoke again in hell a few hours later. Well, Jeff didn't appear to be in the room, but I dreaded waking up to the unbearable pain in my leg. I groaned quietly to myself as I took in my surroundings. I was propped up against some pillows and a fresh new blanket was pulled over my lap, my hands were still tied to the bedpost behind me so my arms were forever aching and turning numb. There wasn't any tape covering my mouth now though, I could breathe better again. I then found Emily was tucked in beside me which made me smile shakily but then cry a little. I tried not to be too loud in case Jeff was nearby and returned, I didn't wish to see him of course. I bit my lip and looked to my right, I saw a small sheet placed over the tray of tools, I started shaking with fear and cried even more. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be alive. I can't handle more torture, I can't.

There was a new pain in my lower abdomen, I really needed to pee, I haven't been to the toilet for a whole day now. I tried crossing my legs but immediately whimpered and cried loudly when intense pain spreaded over my thigh, it was extremely sore and I felt sick again when remembering all the blood. I was still wearing the same clothes, my shorts and t-shirt, so I could feel a bandage wrapped around my left leg where he carved a large 'J' on my skin. My face crumpled up, I'm marked forever. I was starting to feel beyond uncomfortable, it's been a whole day since I've eaten again so my stomach was aching, I wanted to change my sitting position and was desperate to have my hands untied, I could hold my pee in but it was hurting my bladder badly. I was wanting a shower too, I did have one yesterday but I wanted to wash my leg in case Jeff didn't treat it properly.

I groaned and leaned further back against the pillows, that's when I realised my hair was neatly brushed and plaited again. I pulled a disgusted face, he must have done that when I was unconscious. I suddenly didn't like my plaits anymore, it was something that pleased him. I would have messed up my hair and undid the plaits but I couldn't with my hands tied, and I didn't think that a good idea anyway, I was certain he'd get mad.

I jumped as soon as the bedroom door opened and wanted to pretend to be asleep, but Jeff peeped in time to see me awake. He smiled and stepped in, closing the door behind him. I swallowed and started panting a little when he came closer, anxiety filled me at the thought of him hurting me again, I was nearly crying already. He shushed me gently as he sat down beside me, he rested one hand on my leg. "Don't cry Casey, a couple weeks bed rest and it'll feel better,"Jeff said, shifting his hand to my thigh, it made my leg twitch uncomfortably. I tried slowly moving my leg away from him but he then gripped my thigh harshly making me whimper loudly and start crying, it stung badly from that and he probably squeezed some more blood out the wound. My cut foot seemed the least of my worries now, it was nowhere as bad as this. Jeff started patting my thigh softly when I wouldn't stop crying, he shushed me again. "You don't deserve much at this point, but I'll get you something to eat anyway. I'd have liked it if you just let me comfort you, but you'll learn soon I guess,"Jeff said, sighing gently and standing up. I tried not to care and didn't listen to him, I just focused on calming myself, it was crazy realising I've passed out several times this week now.

He left and came back quickly with two plain slices of white bread. I knew I'd still be hungry after eating that, but I didn't dare say it, he might give me nothing altogether. Jeff sat on me but was careful not to touch my new scar, he smiled and ripped off small pieces of the bread for me. He held some up to my mouth, he had to feed me since he won't untie my hands. I opened my mouth sadly and let him feed me, I was slow because I was still sobbing a bit, but thankfully he was patient right now. When Jeff was done feeding me he held my face gently in one hand and wiped away the few tears in my eyes with the other, I automatically jerked my head away and shut my eyes, he let go of my face and sighed again.

I kept my eyes closed in hoping he'd leave me to sleep again, but I felt him peck my cheek. He kissed the area where my ugly bruise was, the one made by those criminals. I felt my heart beat go faster when I remembered how angry Jeff got when he saw the bruises on my leg, will he mark my face too? I imagined him slitting my mouth open wider into a long smile, like his own face. I almost started panting again from the thought, but when I opened my eyes it didn't look like Jeff cared about the bruise right now, his mind was wandering elsewhere. His eyes looked lazy and happy as he placed his hands either side of my hips, his lips trailing down to my neck. Jeff began kissing a certain spot, it made me flinch each time. I closed my eyes again when he started sucking slowly on my neck, I squirmed in protest but it hurt my leg tremendously. I moved my head away from him but he just placed one hand on my shoulder and sucked harder, he held one of my plaits and tugged at it a little to keep me in place.

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