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   After a few days of meeting up with the Royal Family, and being on the security guard team, Kirishima found out that he would finally be getting a day off.

   He doesn't mind his job, he actually enjoys it more now that he's become friends with people he can speak freely with. Plus, he enjoys watching the Prince in his public persona. It is so different, yet so interesting as well. Kirishima had once asked to see the Prince's smile from up close, but he forced such a fake smile that Kirishima was surprised. Maybe he had more ease when he is annoyed. His slight frown didn't seem to concern anyone, and if they noticed his brow twitch in irritation, they never commented on it. Maybe one of the young children princes and princesses noticed it. Princess Hana probably told them that her brother simply had something in his eyes.

   A day off seemed great though. Kirishima could finally sleep in, and play video games until two in the morning with Kaminari again, without worrying about falling asleep on the job the next day. However, the best part of a day off is that the Queen allowed her son to go out with his friends! Kirishima couldn't help but be excited, and when Kaminari and Ashido learned the news they were so excited they got a noise complaints. They quickly quietened down.

   The morning of that day was pretty much exactly how their first day went. The open 3DS consoles hanging from the tip of Kaminari's fingers and laying on Kirishima chest while they slept clearly showed how they played games until they fell asleep, which to what Ashido imagines would be about four in the morning. 

   They were awaken with both of their blankets being ripped out of the grasp, leaving them to groan, shiver, and wake up. Ashido and Sero stared down at them as they woke up, and they were not impressed. Or even surprised. It is like they expected it. Which they did, anyway.

   "We are meeting the Prince at the museum, so we must get ready quickly. I heard from the Queen that he is already on his way," stated Sero.

   His words woke up Kirishima completely. "Huh? I thought we were going to meet him up at the palace," he frowned, then sighed. "Which museum are we going to first?" he asked.

   "We are actually going to a gallery," corrected Ashido, passing her phone to Kirishima, letting him see where they would be going. "We will be going to 'Tate Britain'," she said to Kaminari, imitating a British accent. "We will be going to the museum street, and trying out those without a too long queue," she shrugged, throwing a pair of clothes at Kaminari, who groaned, attempting to close his eyes. It only got worse when Sero opened the curtains.

   "Alright, I'm up!" grinned Kirishima, finally completely awake. His eyes were tired, and he let out a small sigh when he closed his console. 

   He picked out a few clothes, and changed quickly before Ashido could comment on how shameless he is. She commented that on Kaminari instead who got his head and arm stuck in the holes of his shirt, leaving his chest exposed until someone could free him. Kirishima did, and they all laughed at how messed up Kaminari's hair ended up being.

   They all got ready, and they finally got out of the hotel after about thirty minutes. They caught a bus, in which Kaminari immediately fell asleep in, and Kirishima kept thinking about his boyfriend, while looking out of the window. He held a frown though, he was too worried about him.

   'Is he okay? Is he lonely? Is he already there? What if someone bothered him... would he be able to get away?' he thought, his mind letting out all sorts of worries he never knew he would have for someone. 'Is he okay?' he repeated in his mind a few times. 

   He is probably waiting for them, alone, waiting on a bench near the river or something. Maybe he really is lonely. His friends aren't with him, and he can't even communicate with anyone because he doesn't have a phone. If only he had more freedom. If only he didn't have so many rules to abide to. If only... 

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