They pulled their suitcases next to their bed, and then without even glancing at each other for a second, they pulled out their game console, and then grinned at each other. 

   "Mario Kart? Animal Crossing? Or?" asked Kaminari, turning on his 3DS and taking out a few games that he had taken. 

   Kirishima changed himself in softer, more comfortable clothes, and then went under the covers, hoping to warm up the bed quickly. "Animal Crossing, dude. We can't go on adrenaline much more," he chuckled, turning his own console on. "I'm going to your town, by the way. Mine is such a mess, I don't even want to explore it," he chuckled.

   "Okay, bro," nodded Kaminari, loading his game, and taking the time Kirishima is taking to open is town for local people.

   "Thanks," he grinned.

   They giggled like children hiding their consoles from their parents while they played, and eventually, Kirishima fell asleep playing, and Kaminari did too shortly after, at four in the morning. 

   They definitely regretted that the later in the morning.

   "Morning!" greeted Sero, behind the door, knocking loudly. Kirishima, groggily, got out of bed, shivering, and opening the door. The corridor was dark, but Kirishima still had to squint as Sero grinned brightly.

   "Holy... I'm dreaming," sighed Kirishima, leaving the door open, and going back to his bed.

   "No, you aren't!" frowned Sero, grabbing the base of Kirishima's neck, and dragging him back to the entrance. "Kaminari, you wake up too. Ashido is waiting for you," he sighed.

   Kaminari groaned some muffled noises, and pulled the covers over his head more, revealing his feet. He visibly shivered, and pulled them under the cover, against his chest.

   Sero, almost irked, walked up to Kaminari's bed, still holding Kirishima, who was trying to get away, and pulled Kaminari covers off of him with one hand, receiving a loud whine in protest.

   "No!" Kaminari thrashed around, and settled with hugging his pillow, his eyes fluttering shut again.

   "You two are impossible," sighed Sero.

   "Are they awake?" asked Ashido, peeking inside the room. She laughed when she saw how Sero was physically handling them. "I'll handle Kaminari, you go help Kirishima get ready for work," she said to Sero, walking up to Kaminari, and pulling his hair slightly.

   "No!" he whined again.

   Sero sighed, and dragged Kirishima out of the room. "I know you aren't aware of it, but you won't just be the Prince personal bodyguard," he stated.

   "Huh? What do you mean?" he mumbled out, his voice too hoarse to be speaking much. It scratched his throat, and it was unpleasant. He let out a cough to try and clear it.

   "What I mean is, you will be in a team of guards, and not like, British Royal guards, we all know you aren't cut out for that job," he chuckled.

   "Hah? What do you mean?!" he exclaimed, offended. 

   "What I mean is, you aren't stoic enough, especially around the Prince. You constantly smile, and that's one of the things are must not do at all," he sighed. "So you'll be in the normal security guard team, as one of the bodyguards. I'm handing you the uniform, and a coat to stay undercover until we meet at their meeting point. I hope you brought your bullet proof vest," he stated, giving him a shirt, trousers, and a cap. 

   "Yep," he sighed. 

   "Great. We're leaving in five minutes. I'll get you breakfast meanwhile," he said, moving to leave his room, locking it behind him when Kirishima entered his own room.

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