Crush! Kill! Destroy! Iolite lands on Earth!

Start from the beginning

It isn't long before I break atmosphere, and start descending to Earth. I can see the landing zone is surrounded with gems, all brandishing weapons, waiting for me. Even from here I can see that maddening star symbol on their most capable looking warriors. I could even see it as a central theme in the gem city I am landing outside of. Damn, the rebellion won. Well, won't My Diamond be surprised when I hand her the entirety of the rebellion over to her on a silver platter. I pull out one of my axes and wait for the ship to land. This was going to be wonderful.

Steven POV

The ship lands, and we are gathered around it, waiting anxiously to see what the gem inside does. At first nothing. It's starting to get uncomfortable. Bismuth moves closer, to try and get a look inside the ship, see what we're dealing with.

Suddenly, from within the ship, there is a mighty "RAAAAAARG!" and the front of the ship bursts open, as a giant of a gem punches through the hull, into Bismuth's face! Fragments of what look like teeth, bone, and face fly off of Bismuth as she flies into a building and poofs on impact! The gem then swung a giant axe with one hand and poofed all the gems that were nearest to the ship. This started a panic, and most of the gems broke formation to run. One of the bigger gems ran in to grapple with the giant gem, and was immediately poofed by a swing from a second giant axe. The rather masculine gem then proceeded to rampage, tearing through the gems like they were nothing, shrugging off punishing blows from Garnet like they were raindrops, and not even paying attention to the attacks from Amethyst and Pearl. Suddenly, he noticed me, and rushed towards me. Some of the other gems tried to stop him but he literally walked over them, trampling them and poofing them beneath his feet like they were insects.

He ran right up to me and raised up one of his axes, I summoned my shield and my bubble. This will let me feel how strong he is. (Y/N): "Crush! Kill! Destroy!" He cried out, and with one swing, cut through and popped my bubble like it wasn't even there. "Crush! Kill! Destroy!" he repeated, as he slammed his other axe down onto my shield. I dropped to my knees and gave it all I had, but it punched through the shield and left a nasty, deep gash on my arm. He threw away that axe, taking my shield with it. "Destroy!!!" he shouted, and punched me right in the face.

Garnet POV

Crystal Gems: "Steven!" We watched in horror as Steven collapsed, horribly bloodied from the single punch this Super-Soldier delt to him. He then turned to face us, it having finally clicked with him that we are the biggest threat. Lapis Lazuli had brought some water in buckets, in order to help, but she was wishing this fight took place near the sea, as she lashed what little water she could at the Super-Soldier. He dodged the lashes with a spin and swung his axe at her head with blinding speed. She barely had time to look surprised before she was hit, and poofed into her gem. This sent Peridot over the edge; she used her metal powers to lift a large metal beam up and launched it at him. He dashed forward, under the beam, and swung his axe up over his head, cutting through the metal like a burning knife through melted butter, before bringing it down, narrowly missing her gem, poofing her as well. This was not going to work, we'd need a fusion to bring him down. But before I could say this, Amethyst tried to disarm him with one of her whips, wrapping it around his arm. He grabbed it, and pulled her in. She flew right into his fist, and poofed. Well, Sardonyx it is then. Garnet: "Pearl!" However, as she turned to look at me, one of the Super-Soldier's axes flew towards me. I caught it with both my gauntlets, but it dropped me to one knee and made a crater in the ground. I turned to look at Pearl, and in the instant she saw me, she gasped, and then the Super-Soldier's hand was around her neck, and with one squeeze and a sickening crack, Pearl poofed into her gem. He pulled out a replacement axe from his chest gem as he strode towards me. I gathered up all my strength into one last massive punch; I would be hit, and poofed, but there was a possibility that he had taken enough damage to be poofed by a solid hit. I made a solid hit, cratering the ground beneath our feet, as he cleaved me in twain. Damn, I'm sorry Steven, he was just too powerful.

Steven POV

I woke up, the sounds of battle, screaming, and destruction all around me. Not a half-second went by that there wasn't the sound of a gem poofing, or the ground cracking, or a building breaking. I looked around. Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis... They all got poofed! Who is this guy!? Everything hurts. I licked my good hand and placed rubbed it on the gash in my other arm. It healed and I could move it again. I tried to stand up, but my legs refused to support my weight. I tried to crawl over to Lapis; if i could get her out of her gem, we could lead him to the ocean, then we'd be able to take him. But then, he burst out from a building and landed in front of me. I could hear him shouting so loudly that it hurt. (Y/N): "Crush! Kill! Destroy! Crush! Kill! Destroy!" He looked around, frantically for more gems to fight. He started to bash his own head with the side of one of his axes, punctuating each hit with a shouted word. "Crush! Kill! Destroy!" Suddenly, he noticed me! I tried to crawl away, but he ran up to me, shouting "CRUSH!". He lifted up one of his legs to prepare to stomp on me, shouting "Kill!" as I raised my shield again. "DESTROY!" he shouted as he stomped, shattering my shield, and hitting me in the face again.


So this is all they brought to bear from the mighty rebellion that staved off homeworld retaliation? Or, is this all that's left? It took less than five minutes to defeat every gem in that city and more than 30 to bubble them all. Some of the cowards reformed fast and tried to run. Not like that Amethyst. She might be overcooked, but she kept trying to take me out. She would always time it so that when I poofed her, other gems had also reformed, so I had to take them out to prevent them from calling reinforcements from off world. It took 7 tries before I finally got her alone and could bubble her. It seems some of these Crystal Gems were fusions, but not normal fusions, no, but different gem fusions! It was... interesting to say the least. I'd always wondered what that would be like, but none of the other Iolites wanted to take the chance they might 'catch my madness'. So I don't know what even normal fusion is like. But, after I'd bubbled the others, there was still one enigma left. That strange bio-form. He summoned a protective bubble, and a gem shield. I walked over to him, and noticed something under his clothing. A gem! It appeared to be a Rose Quartz of exceptional clarity and cut. I might even go so far as to say it was a flawless Rose Quartz! But, how? Unless... By the Diamonds, this bio-form was actually a gem hybrid! And not just any gem, but he was the son of Rose Quartz herself! I began to tie him up. (Y/N): "The Diamonds are gonna freak out when they hear about this."

To be continued

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