I am a proud Iolite warrior.

Start from the beginning

The court, which had been crying, lamenting with Blue Diamond over the loss of Pink, whether they wanted to or not, turned to face me. Blue Diamond looked up from her hands, which moments ago she had been weeping into, with fury. Seeing My Diamond so distraught only heightened the burning anger in my gem. I remembered my place, and gave the diamond salute.

(Y/N): "I mean, My Diamond! I've come to beg! PLEASE! Send me to Earth! I wish to crush the rebels! I shall tear out their befouled gems, and shatter them in front of Rose Quartz's traitorous eyes! I wish to burn the fetid rock they hold so dear while they watch! I WANT TO CLAIM VENGEANCE ON YOUR BEHALF!!"

I had pulled out one of my hand axes in my rage, and the guards pointed their weapons at me, fearful that I might lash out in my rage. It was strange to call them 'hand axes' with their exaggerated size and weight. The axe head was like a one bladed greataxe, and the handle was too broad even for most quartz to wield one handed. I could wield two of these with no problem. Indeed, weapons sized and weighted appropriately, even for other Iolites seemed overtly light and frail, due to my maleness. My Diamond looked at me, and saw the blaze of fury in my eyes outstriped her own.

Blue Diamond: "Very well Iolite. Yellow Diamond is preparing to send a full corps of her Quartz to Earth. I shall arrange for you to be on one of the ships."

(Y/N): "NO!!" I cried out in a rage. "Send me by myself! The Quartz would only slow me down! I could cut them down myself if I had to, and if it will get me to Earth faster, I WILL!!"

Blue Diamond: "Iolite! You forget your place!"

Normally, this would have snapped me out of my berzerk state, but I could not let this injustice stand. I wanted to wade through the traitors alone, cutting them down, a living blender of anger. I wanted the Crystal Gems to know that it was me who took everything from them, as they had taken everything from those who served Pink Diamond.

(Y/N): "My place, My Diamond, is on the battlefields of Earth! Knee deep in the gem shards of the traitors! I will show everyone my fury! Have me meet Yellow Diamonds Quartz Corps in the arena! I will send them all into their gems with only my axes! Let them have their weapons! If they cannot vanquish me, what hope could they have against a Diamond shatterer except as fodder!"

Blue Diamond: "FINE!! Have your match! And when you fall, you will board the ship without complaint!!"

(Y/N): "Yes, My Diamond!!!"

I couldn't wait. I ran- no, rampaged to the gem coliseum to await my battle. Time passed, Blue Diamond had to convince Yellow Diamond this wasn't a waste of time. But I knew that she would succeed. Yellow Diamond would want to prove the strength of her corps, and my challenge to her strength of 'if they can't beat me they won't be any help' would not go unanswered. The 'voice' grew louder and louder in anticipation. But this time, for the first time in my life since I ripped the head off that Peridot after my emergence, I was listening. I wanted the rage to strengthen me, the fury to bolster my axe, the hate to flow through my gem. As I waited in one of the combatant waiting rooms in the colosseum, I could hear a crowd pouring in up above, I could hear the sound of the Quartz Corps marching into the arena, I could even hear the footsteps of Yellow and Blue Diamond as they went to their seats to watch the carnage unfold. I walked up to the arena doors. And then they opened.

30,000+ fully armed and armored Quartzite soldiers from Yellow Diamonds army stood their information, waiting for me to make my move. They all had cocky grins on their faces; I was one gem, what could I possibly do to defeat them? There was just no way. At least, that was what they, calm, rational, tactical, normal gems were thinking. I was a male gem, whos 'voice' knew only of hate and war. And right then, I was farther from sane than Homeworld was from Earth. All I had to do was picture Rose Quartz in my head for a brief second; and what happened next, was almost entirely reflex.


I bolted in with a warcry that rattled the arena and made some of the Quartzes flinch. I don't blame them; Quartz might be big but the biggest of them was around 9 ft. I towered over that at 12ft even. Some of the Quartz were fusion specialists, and I could look any one of their fusions in the eye, some of the smaller fusions were about a head shorter. I took advantage of their surprise at my ferocity and swung my axe. It was astounding. 10 Quartzite soldiers in full armor, poofed with a single swing of a single weapon. But Quartz are not soldiers for no reason, they soon recovered and began their assault. Not that it mattered. I pulled out my other axe and continued wading through the ocean of Quartz before me. Every wound landed on me cost them many, and none of them slowed me down. Soon I could not hear the gasps of the crowd over the 'voice' in my head, pushing me to swing harder, fight faster, to... shatter them. Soon I could not even hear the sounds of the Quartz, or my own swings as they cut them down. I stopped feeling the impact of my axe against my opponents, though they continued to fall before me. I stopped seeing the world around me. There was only the 'voice'. It drowned out all my senses and was getting louder still. I had to drown it out, I had to get it to shut up, I HAD TO SHOUT IT DOWN!!


As I said this maddening mantra, the 'voice' started to copy me, and the world faded back in around me. From 30,000+ Quartz, I was down to fighting a mere 300. I had, single handedly, taken a full Corps and turned it into a single Company. But I was not done, I said I would defeat the whole corps, and by The Great Diamond Authority, I was going to.

I marched toward the last company of gems. (Y/N): "MAIM! KILL! BURN! MAIM! KILL! BURN!" They quickly lost the will to fight. In a shameful display, most of them dropped to their knees begging to be spared. Those that did not were cut down by my next swing. Their pleas for reason were met with only one response, "MAIM! KILL! BURN!" followed by my axe.

I stood there, howling in victory like a raving lunatic, frothing at the mouth for more enemies- no, victims for my blades. The crowd was going wild, the Diamonds were completely shocked, this was completely unprecedented. I could feel it, the 'voice', it wanted me to go on, to not stop, to throw an axe into the crowd to see who would come down and fight me. But enough was enough! There would be plenty to slaughter on Earth, then I could go back to suppressing the 'voice' and building up my resistance to it yet again. But it had tasted freedom, and would not go back to the way things were. My vision started to fade, and the cheers of the crowd grew distant. NO! I did the only thing I could think of. I tightened my grip on my axe and bashed myself in the head with the flat of the blade as a mace. The world snapped back into focus. YES! But it started to fade again. So I slammed my head again, and again! The third time was the charm, but this display of self harm had quieted the crowd. I turned to My Diamonds, gave the salute, and declared (Y/N): "My Diamonds! I have bested the entirety of Yellow Diamonds Quartz Corps in honorable combat!" I could faintly hear Yellow Diamond whisper "That didn't look very honorable to me." to Blue Diamond. (Y/N): "Now, please! Grace me with a personal vessel, that I might go to Earth and squash this rebellion myself!" Both Diamonds: "Very well, you will have your ship Iolite."

As I walked to the hanger to get in my newly acquired personal ship, I saw one of Pink Diamonds Agates stepping out of it. Agate: "Just calibrating it, My Iolite." This seemed suspicious to me, but I was far to blind with rage to care. I stepped on board, when suddenly the door slammed shut behind me, and the autopilot set to some point in far off, Nowhere, Space! (Y/N): "What?! Sabotage!?" I turned around to see the Agate smiling at me sadistically, revealing a hidden star on her uniform, the symbol of the crystal gems! There was a spy among us! Before I could bust out and shatter her, the ship launched into hyperdrive and I was suddenly light years away. I tried to stop it, but in my fury I damaged the controls. When I finally stopped, from a combination of the Agate's sabotage, and my own berzerk mashing of the controls, both hyperdrive, and all communications were down. I was going to be sick, I did not have the slightest idea of how to go about fixing this, even if I had the proper tools, which I did not.

Luckily the thrusters still worked. The computer did some calculations and I was equidistant from both the Earth and Homeworld. Either way it would take me 6016 years, give or take a few centuries or decades, to reach either. So I figure, I'd better head to Earth. The rebellion would be crushed by then yes, but at least I could say I tried, and make up for my absence. And if the rebellion is still around, or, Diamonds forbid, managed to fight off Homeworld, an angry death machine like me will be the last thing they'd expect out of nowhere. But if I could have one wish, at this very moment, it would be thus...

(Y/N): "I'd better not miss a damn thing."

To be continued

(A/N): So this is my second ever fanfiction, and I hope you guys like it. It seems intense now, but I am gonna warn you now, yes there will be violence and mayhem, but there will also be romance (and maybe lemons, if I can work up the courage to write them) What do you think of Iolite so far? And is their anyone in particular you want to see him try to get to know?

Crush! Kill! Destroy! (Male! Gem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now