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I huff and rest my arms on my knees, this was tough but I have a feeling it's going to get worse over time. I get up and quickly grab my water bottle, twisting the cap feeling the grip on my skin. I lift the bottle and gulp down the cold substance, feeling a bit refreshed. I close the empty bottle and toss it into the trash bin. I walk over to the locker room quickly, feeling my legs almost give out on me. 

I grab my extra clothes, and walk over to the female showers. I enter and notice other girls cleaning themselves up for lunch. I quickly take a shower, making a bun right after. I put away my things and go over to the lunch room. I walk in seeing others separated into their friend groups, I look over and see a vending machine. I get a snack and decide to sit outside.

I push the glass doors and walk out into the track field, I look over and see benches on the side. I slowly and carefully sit down feeling my body ache all over. I open the snack wrapper and eat my chips, feeling a cool wind pass by me. I enjoy this simple time, knowing after lunch it's personal workout time. 

I stand up and throw away my bag of chips, I slowly walk over to the workout room. I enter and see only a few people here. I go over to the treadmill and look to my right seeing a woman minding her business, with earbuds in. I suddenly shake off my nervous feeling and roll my shoulders back and forth. I then decide how fast I want this to go, I then hear someone getting on the next treadmill, in between both the woman and I.

I then turn on the treadmill, giving myself a light walk before going fast. As I walk steadily, I stretch my arms and neck. Feeling some stiffness releasing from my muscles, I continue to walk until I hear a fast pace of a treadmill. I shake myself and start to go faster, I then reach my peak of how fast I could go. I run and run, feeling my legs slowly go out. 

Thirty-minutes pass and I quickly slow the speed, I stop the treadmill altogether to catch my breath. I walk off and go over to the bench to take a quick rest, as I breathe heavily I see a water bottle in my eye view. I look up and it's the same stranger from before, he's still sweaty and offering me his other bottle. I let my hand slowly reach up, seeing him smile a bit. 

Before finally touching it, the woman across from me takes it. She quickly opens it and drinks a few gulps from it. 

(Woman)- "Thanks, Kookie." She says with a flirty attitude. I stand up and wipe my sweat, I look over he's about to say something to me.

(Jungkook)- "I--" I cut him off, raising my hand and waving it towards both of them.

(Y/N)- "No! Don't worry about it. I was just going home anyways, thank you though." I give a innocent smirk to both of them and walk away.

As I walk I decide to quickly grab my things and go home. I pack the rest of my things, and start to walk out of the building. Until I see a hand slam against the walk next to me, I look up and see the woman from before. 

(Woman)- "Do you know Jungkook?" I tilt my head and shrug.

(Y/N)- "Jung..kook? I'm sorry no, maybe you have the wrong person--" 

(Woman)- "No, you were just working out. Anyways, you really don't know him?" I shake my head no.

(Y/N)- "Was it the man handing me the bottle?" She nods, "I thought he was just being nice to newcomers." 

(Woman)- "So there's nothing go on between you two?" I shake my head, "Good, cause he's mine."

(Y/N)- "Alright..I have to go home so, bye?" She releases her hand and lets me pass, I tilt my head in confusion while walking out. What was her deal? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

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