Soren watched as Jim buttoned his pants, his chest still bare. Perhaps she should've been thinking of the way his lips had felt on her skin, but instead, she was remembering her time with Victor at the auction, the way his mouth moved against hers, the way she longed to feel it again.

Sure, Soren thought Jim Gordon was attractive, very attractive, in fact, and yeah, she enjoyed the time they had just spent together, a lot, but she wasn't emotionally attached. They weren't even friends, more enemies than anything. Jim felt the same way, too. Except, he knew one day this little fling would come back to bite him in the ass.

"Don't tell anyone about this, please," Jim spoke up, snapping Soren from her thoughts. Soren stood and slipped on her silk robe, tying it around the waist as she walked over to him.

"Are you afraid of your girlfriend finding out, Jim?" Soren smirked, holding his face with her hands. "Don't worry, I can keep a secret when I want to."

Jim leaned down and connected their lips once again, a kiss full of nothing but lust. He didn't understand why he couldn't control himself. He loved Barbara, and he was faithful to her, until now. Something about Soren made him want her badly.

Jim backed away and quickly grabbed the rest of his clothes before could rope him in again.

"So, word on the street is you've been doing jobs with Victor Zsasz. You working for Falcone now?" Jim asked, tucking his button-down shirt into his pants and watching her across the room.

"Not really." Soren watched him through the mirror as she put her jewelry back on. "While I respect his values and business a whole lot more than Torres', unfortunately, I'm stuck in bed with my current employer until you arrest him. Or someone offs him, whichever comes first."

Jim ran his hands through his hair and headed towards the door. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Remember what I said, don't tell anyone about this."

"Sure thing, Detective," Soren smirked and watched as he left, closing the front door behind him.

Soren waited, listening for the knock of an expected visitor. When she heard it, she opened the door and looked down at the grimy man in front of her.

"You have it?" She looked at him expectantly.

The man, Simon, handed her a folder and she flipped through the many pictures of her and the detective's secret night together. She smiled and handed Simon a wad of cash before closing the door in his face. She made sure to keep the folder in a safe place and flopped down on the couch.

Her plan had gone flawlessly.

As she sat there, staring at nothing in particular, a pain in her head made her wince. Images flashed through her brain too fast for her to decipher, until finally, she blacked out, and memories came flooding back.

Young Soren watched the trees zip past the car window. She and her parents were headed home after a parent-teacher meeting. The rain outside was coming down hard, obscuring her father's vision and ability to drive. Before she knew it, she heard a loud bang and they crashed, the car flipping several times, knocking Soren out. When she awoke, she looked around to see she had been thrown from the vehicle, her body bloody and bruised as she lay on the asphalt. She sat up as best could, and looked over at the car. She knew her parents were already dead.

"Would you like some help, young one?" A strange voice called from behind her. She turned to see a man, dressed in black robes and soaking from the heavy downpour. Soren nodded slowly, still disoriented from the crash.

The memory suddenly changed. Now, Soren was healed and dressed in similar robes to the man who had saved her, a pair of daggers in her hands.

"Excellent work, Al Shaitan." The man said, his name still absent from her memory.

She bowed and placed her daggers on a nearby table, before laughing and running off with another girl her age.

The memory changed again, this time, she was a teenager. She sparred with the same girl from before. Soren struggled to remember her name as well.

An adult now, Soren stood facing the girl. Soren watched her memories as an outsider, the one thing she noticed was her eyes. Both irises were completely black, meaning her memories till now had been wrong, she wasn't born this way.

"If you leave now, Al Shaitan, you will never be welcome back."

"You heard the prophecy, s5eI0." The woman's name distorted from her mouth. "I'm going to die if I stay."

"He's going to hunt you down anyway."

"Let him try," Soren said, picking her bag up off the floor and walking away.

Soren awoke suddenly, her eyebrows furrowed. Those were her true memories. Those were the same people who had tied her up with barbed wire and gave her all these scars. Who were those people? Why couldn't she remember their names? She had more questions than answers.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

posting this chapter early cause Devil's Daughter just hit 20k reads! thank you so much to everyone who reads and supports this book.  we've finally discovered some stuff about sorens past and we'll be exploring that more in the upcoming chapters.

question: when you read, who do you picture Soren as? i'm looking for face claims for her but haven't found one that matches what i'm looking for.

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