Chapter Fourteen

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I sent text messages to both Kate and Patrick and asked them to meet me at my house that evening. I texted Ryan to tell him there was a change in plans, but to still come over at 7:00. It didn't take long for me to strategize everything in my head, but I would need the help of my friends to pull it off.

Rich and I were watching Spongebob reruns when Patrick came in. Not Patrick Star. My friend Patrick. With the blue car.

"Hey Trav. Rich. What's going on?" He was obviously surprised to see Rich sitting in my living room.

"It's time," I said, cryptically.

Patrick plopped down into the recliner. "For what?"

"To deal with Daniel," I said. "I need everyone's help."

"I told you I would go rough him up for you, but you kept saying not to," Patrick pointed out.

"It wasn't the right time," I said. "Now is the time." I wouldn't tell him any more until the others arrived.

Kate and Ryan showed up at the same time and I was finally able to go over the first part of the plan.

"Everyone gather round," I instructed, sitting at the dining room table, where my laptop was ready to go. "About a month ago I stumbled upon a personal ad on Chuckslist," I explained. "I happened to come across a familiar face and had the good sense to save it."

"Who is it?" Kate asked.

"You're about to find out," I said. I navigated to the Chuckslist page that I saved earlier.

Everyone groaned in horror, except for Rich, who said he could happily go the rest of his life without ever seeing those pictures again.

"What is Daniel doing?" Patrick asked, looking at one of the pictures.

"What's in there?" Ryan asked.

"I've seen bigger," Kate remarked. Everyone turned and looked at her. "What?" she asked.

"I originally found the ad a month ago, but luckily he posted this one just a couple days ago. It means he's probably still looking for – well – whatever the hell it is he's looking for," I said.

"You're going to blackmail him, aren't you?" Patrick asked.

"Hell yeah," Rich said eagerly. "That little bitch is going down."

"He's been keeping a pretty low profile since everything went down," I said. "We need to get him alone and ambush him."

"And hobble him?" Kate asked.

"No," I said. "We need him to tell everyone that he made everything up about what happened the night of Karen's party. If he doesn't do it, we threaten to show everyone his little personal ad."

"We have to ambush him? Why don't we just go to his house?" Patrick asked.

"It's too unpredictable," I said. "I need a controlled environment. I want him here and I'm never going to get him here willingly."

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Kate asked.

"Ryan," I said, turning to him, "I need you to text him."

He looked uncertain. "Why? Why me?"

"You're the only one he doesn't know," I explained. "He put his phone number on Chuckslist, so just text him and say you saw him on there and you're interested in hooking up."

"I don't know about this, Travis. Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. I need you to have him go to your house. So, go ahead. Text him," I instructed.

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