Recap :D

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I want to apologise for how messy this fanfic is, honestly the storyline is super inconsistent so here is a mini recap/ summary.
Also there's some thank you shit at the end so ya yeet

Basically, some people are stealing androids and resetting them and then illegally selling them off. These androids are turning deviant and snapping, and attacking their owners, and if this gets to the media the whole 'ah androids bad and dangerous' thing will happen, and people will want them to not have free will again.
The FBI wants to shut down the Detroit police station ( for reasons unknown yet ahhh spooky ), though Fowler assumes it's because the FBI believe that they can do the job better than them (as crime rate is SUPER LOW).
Fowler then sends Gavin, Richard, Hank and Connor to investigate the illegal selling of androids to prove to the FBI that they can do their job.

This leads to them finding the house that has the weird markings and Hanks blood (2 chapters before this). Now spoiler oooo. This is used as a scare tactic for Connor (he's going to become super fucking important and a huge part of the illegal group). Lol y'all remember the woman that stabbed him in chapter 2? Probably not oof, but yeah, that wasn't just some random ass thing that happened, it's important too.

It makes no sense now
But eventually it will.

So yeah that's it so far, again sorry for making it super messy between all the random Hankcon sexy time shit

also I want to introduce Cinabun again because I miss him not gonna lie
the fact that I'm attached to a fictional bunny just shows how sad my life is oh my god

ALSO thank you so much, we are nearly at 2k views which is pretty insane considering this is the cringiest and shittest thing on Wattpad.

AN EXTRA THANK YOU to the people that have legit been here since the beginning and voted on every chapter when it comes out- like wow 🥺💖💓💞💗

(also thanks to J who for some reason puts up with my bullshit)
I just felt the need to mention that because the last chapter was dedicated to you oof

bye bye :D

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