what a fucking day

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[At the end there is like an implied sex scene so like just a warning oof]

"Hello?" called out Gavin, "Any child murdering androids in here?"
Richard elbowed him, "My love, be serious."
Gavin scowled, but extended his arm, holding out his gun and flashlight. Richard opened one of the back warehouse doors that they had found to be unlocked, and Gavin walked in slowly, the rest following behind.
"Hank," Connor whispered, "Stay behind me."
"I'm the one with a gun Connor, you stay behind me." Hank replied.
"Shut the fuck up, both of you." Gavin said gritting his teeth, "And look out for anything suspicious."
They had entered a small corridor, which conjoined with the larger, central warehouse area.
"Turn your light off." Hank said quietly.
Gavin stopped and turned, looking at him in disbelief, "You what?"
"You ever played L4D? The witches and shit? Turn it off!"
"What the fuck are you on about?"
"Look, It's pitch black in here, if there is an android in here, they'll be able to see us alright." Hank muttered.
"But then we won't be able to see it, you dumbass." Gavin said, but the light was turned off anyway, "Richard! The fuck?"
"I have a night vision mode, I'll guide us." Connor heard Richard say.
"Woah shit, Connor do you have that?"
"No," Connor replied bitterly, "He's a more advanced model remember."
"Yes indeed I-"
Richard was cut off by a clatter that echoed throughout the warehouse, and all four of them were stunned to silence.

Grab Hank, move forward, try to follow me.

Richards voice rung through Connors head, and he felt in the darkness for Hank for a few moments before successfully grabbing a section of his Jacket. He pulled Hank towards him and muttered under his breathe, "Stay behind me," before he reached around and grabbed Hanks gun and secured it into the waistband of his trousers. Connor knew that Hank would be silently protesting, but at the rate of which this investigation was going, there was a 86% chance of Hanks survival, and that was far too low. Connor kept a firm grip on Hank, following the faint red glow of Richards LED.

Stop. I see it.

Connor slowed down his walking pace, and turned around, placing his free hand across Hanks chest. His face was close to his partners, as he could feel his hot breathe on his cheek. He inched his head forward, until the tip of his nose moved against Hanks beard.
"He sees it." Connor spoke so quietly, it was as if me mouthed it. Though perhaps it was the fear, or the heightened senses, but Hank nodded his head slightly to show he heard. Hank moved his hand, and slightly touched Connors LED, and Connor removed his hand from his chest, and covered up the light.

Richard? Cover your LED light.

A few moments later, the red glow disappeared.

I need you and Hank to continue forward, I'll tell you when to stop. We are going to surround it.

Connor's grip tightened on Hank again, and they began walking forward, covering his LED. About 20 seconds of walking, he heard the android move, it was directly to his right. Hank and Connor both froze up, and Connor noticed his survival rate was dropping. He tensed his jaw, and pulled slightly on Hank, motioning him to keep walking. They continued moving for another 20 seconds, and Connor could feel his thirium being pumped around his body, and each pump caused a dull ache to spread across his chest.


He obeyed, and so did Hank once Connor stopped. Connor turned himself and Hank around, and let go of Hank, it was the last thing he wanted to do, but with his free hand, he grabbed the gun from his waistband and outstretched his arm. He heard Richard speak, though this time it was not in his head, and Gavins flashlight beamed onto the android.
"Detroit police. Failure to cooperate will result in open fire."
The witness was correct, it was an AP700 model, and it stood there cowering in what could only be perceived as fear. It was wearing its original model outfit, from before the revolution but it was coated in dried blood.
"Please don't...I've done nothing wrong..I'm free...I'm alive like you.."
"You are under arrest for suspicion of four murders, place your hands where I can see them."
The android obeyed, raising its arms above its head, whimpering. Richard jerked his head forward, and Gavin handed Richard the flashlight and unclipped a pair of handcuffs from his belt. He walked over and grabbed the deviants wrists, clipping him in.
"Come on." He said impatiently, as he heaved the android forward, towards the warehouse entrance. Richard, Gavin and the AP700 model walked off, and Hank and Connor glanced at each other. The light off the torch was slowly fading into the distance, so the pair began walking too.

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