Flashback: The Party

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As soon as I woke up the next morning, I wanted to take it back, but it was out there now and I couldn't. The truth is, yes, he wrecked the car that night, but it wasn't all his fault. I just didn't want to come to terms with the fact that I was just as responsible that night.....


"Babe, are you almost ready?" Sam asked from the doorway to our bedroom. He was leaning on the frame with both hands bracing himself on the outside of it.

I stood up from my vanity chair and smoothed out my dress. "What do you think?" I smiled.

"You're gorgeous. As always, my love." He crossed the room to me and placed his hand on my belly. "I think you're really starting to show now. People will definitely notice." He winked at me.

I looked down at my now very noticeable baby bump and giggled. "You think so, do you?" As if the baby knew we were talking about it, there was a rapid-fire of kicks. "Oh!! Did you feel that?!"

Sam smiled brightly. "Hello, there little one."

He seemed so happy. I was so happy. This baby was going to be great for us.

"I love you, Beth."

"I love you, too, Sam." He leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips, opening his mouth slightly as he did. I could smell the beer on his breath and pulled away abruptly. "Have you started drinking already?!"

Sam rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. "It was one beer, Beth. It's not the end of the world."

I followed behind him. "One beer is never just one beer. Can we not go out anywhere where you don't need to drink?"

"Not this again, Beth. Just leave it alone, ok?" He hurried down the stairs and snatched the keys off the table by the door.

"You're gonna drive, too?"

"Beth, just stop! I had one drink damnit! Lots of people have one drink and drive! I'm not drunk!"

I glared at him.

"Just get in the damn car and let's go to Brianna's party and have fun!"

I walked past Sam, out of the door and into the garage. I got in the passenger side and buckled my seat belt. When he got in, I turned away from him, looking out the window with one hand on my belly. I heard the door shut to the car and the garage door open, but he didn't start the car.

"I'm sorry, Beth. I didn't mean to snap at you. I promise I'm ok to drive." His voice was calm and sweet.

I looked at him. "I just don't want anything to happen to this baby."

He touched my cheek. "Neither do I."

I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand, relaxing a bit. "We better get going before Brianna starts blowing up my phone wondering what's taking us so long." I laughed and Sam joined me.

"Alright," he said starting the car. "Let's go." He drove out the garage and down the short driveway, pushing the garage door opener as we went.

We arrived at Brianna's house an hour later. She lived out in the country on forty acres. Her house was huge. Her grandfather gave it to her before he passed away. It had five bedrooms, one master bathroom, one full guest bathroom and a half bathroom. It was two stories with a massive kitchen that had more counter space and cabinets than anyone could ever need. She had an enormous covered porch off the back of the house that looked out over her one-acre pond equipped with a dock and stocked with tons of fish. I wanted her house.

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