The Proposition

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A moment of weakness. That's all it was- a moment of weakness. For the last two weeks, that's what I kept telling myself when I thought back on that night.

Sam and I pretty much avoided talking about it afterward. He had come down to dinner that night. One thing lead to another and we ended up having sex on the kitchen table as well.

I shook my head as I thought about what his hands felt like on my body.

"You ok? You seem lost in thought," Bri inquired.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just thinking about that night with Sam and how I shouldn't have given into my urges like that," I replied.

Brianna, whom I call Bri, has been my best friend since college. She was my roommate and she is the only one who would call me out on my shit. She's also the one who has helped me through the most traumatic times of my life.

"Oh, come on, girl," she said. "I don't know how you can share a house with a man whom you also share a genuine connection with and not fuck that man senseless every day! Especially since that same man is looking finer all the time!"

I rolled my eyes. "Bri, we aren't married anymore!"

"Exactly!" she cried, pointing her finger at me. "Sex with the Ex! It's like friends with benefits, but better cuz you already fucked up your relationship!"

Bri laughed and I slapped her shoulder playfully. "Shut up, Bri!" I said laughing.

She wasn't wrong though. I mean it's not like I've been looking for someone else or even going on any dates and I haven't seen Sam doing it either. We just sit in silence while we eat dinner or watch TV- if we're even in the same room. Most of the time, we're not even near each other.

I finished up my dinner date with Bri and had a few too many drinks. So, I decided to call an Uber. It was after eleven when I called and unfortunately had to leave my car at the restaurant.

My Uber arrived and I stumbled a little getting in. On my way home, I noticed that the driver kept looking at me in his rearview mirror, but I just leaned back against the seat and tried to keep myself from tipping over.

We pulled up outside my house and I saw the light spilling out of the living room window onto the lawn. Sam was seated on the couch watching TV.

I threw the car door open and staggered out. I felt hands grab my shoulders to steady me.

"Here, let me help you," said the Uber driver.

I straightened myself back out. "No, thank you."

"I insist, really," he persisted.

"I am fully capable of getting myself in my own house. Thank you," I snapped.

His grip didn't loosen, however. I tried to shake him off, but it only caused me to pitch forward. The driver gripped onto my waist before I could fall down and tried to walk with me up to the door.

"Thank you for your help, but I got it. Please let go," I stated, firmly.

He pulled me in closer, his grip as tight as a vice.

"You could fall and injure yourself. I can't have that."

His voice was creepy and gave me the willies. I had to get away from him. I pushed on his hands to try and move them off of my body but didn't succeed.

"Let go!" I yelled.

Just then, the front door flew open and light poured out onto the sidewalk where we were struggling.

"What's going on out here?!" Sam shouted as he rushed over to me. The driver relinquished me willingly.

"I was just trying to make sure that she got to the door safely. She was stumbling before she got in my car and about derfed it when she got out."

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