A Moment of Weakness

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Today is the day my divorce will be final.

As I lie awake in bed, I think about my life with Sam. We had some really good times, like when we bought this house and had the water turned on. Water poured out from underneath the kitchen sink, flooding the kitchen. Everything in the bathroom overflowed and it rained in our dining room. The upstairs pipes had busted, causing water to spill out onto the floor and leak out of the ceiling, all over the freshly waxed table and chairs. It was horrible at the time, but it was something we laughed about for years.

There were also the bad times...like the day he got so drunk and we had argued. He had been drinking a lot back then and we fought about it often. He got so mad that night that he exploded a patio chair against the inside of our garage door...

I cried every night for days after that. Not because of the chair, but because he did it in the first place.

It took him a while, but he finally quit drinking. The night he realized he had a problem, was the night he changed our lives forever...

"I gotta go to work before I can head over to the courthouse," Sam said, stirring me from my thoughts.

He was standing in the doorway to my room, which used to be our room, but when I filed for divorce, he took up residence in our guest room per my insistence. There was no way he was getting this room.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later," I mumbled.

I had really just grown distant from him. I still loved him, very much, but I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't hold onto our past life where we were happy- before the drinking, before the fighting, before the car accident. So, I did what a wife shouldn't do...I gave up.

"Ok, I'll see you there," Sam said, sadly.

I heard him go down the stairs and close the front door. I got up from the bed and walked over to the window, watching him drive away. I could see his face through the driver's door window. He looked miserable.

Sam had wanted to keep trying, but my heart wasn't all the way in it anymore. I hated to hurt him this way, but I couldn't go on living a lie any longer.


The day seemed to drag on, but finally, the time came to meet Sam at the courthouse. We were the last case of the day, but only because our judge wasn't just anyone. The honorable Judge Eric Jameson is my father.

"You ready?" Sam asked as I stepped off the elevator and made my way over to him.

Sam is painfully handsome. When he quit drinking, he started going to the gym and working out. He got a membership and everything.

It shows.

Sam is ripped. His biceps are defined and rather large. His baby blue pocket tee clung to his chest. His pecs were square and obvious.

I found myself wondering if there was a six-pack under his shirt as well. I hadn't seen him naked in so long, that I could only imagine what he looked like now.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

We entered the very big courtroom and took our seats at opposite tables with our attorneys.

I hadn't wanted to involve lawyers, but my father, being part of the legal system, insisted.

My attorney happened to be a friend from my childhood and he did it for free, even though I had told him no numerous times. I'm pretty sure he still has a crush on me, but I'm just not ready for that yet.

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