The date starts now

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First chapter in the story. People tend just read this one and stop. I got other stories. Please read them .

Phineas : hey Ferb. Wake up . I know what we're going do today.  This might sound odd but this  idea  just pop up in my head.  My idea is a what is a better way to spend time with the one I love and my  brother then to hang out with then both at the same time . Plus no one else here today . It would be like a double date how does that sound Ferb ?
F: I don't know Phineas . Dating might be something we should deal with when we are older.  We might be to young to know how we feel about ether. I am not sure your idea is good.

P: are you saying we are to young to go on a double date?
F: no. I am not saying that . I don't think Isabella wants me there and I feel that this might be a better date if you went with her alone .
P: no Ferb . I want you there she will be fine with you being there .
F: i thought you said yesterday dating was going to be only us from now on
P: did I really say that ? I don't remember saying that .
F:Yes Phineas you did
P: well Ferb can you please do this for me . It will not happen again if you don't like it .
F: fine I will try it out . Don't expect me to do this again anytime soon. Is that clear  ?
P: yes it is . thanks ferb doing this for me . It's makes me happy to have you both by my side .
f: welcome .  He smiles at phineas .
I : hey guys whatcha doing?
P:  phineas smiles at ferb that at issy who is walking in the yard.  We are not sure yet . Ferb and I Can't seem to make up our minds . I want to do a date  but ferb yes we are to young and want to do something else today . I am torn between the to ideas . I want to do my idea but I think ferbs idea is cool . I feel like I am  not understanding why ferb thinks we are to young to date people.  Candce dated when she was 11 years old . Her and jermey went out for ice  cream . We are all 10 but to me age doesn't matter . You can date when you want and who you want . Doesn't matter is the person is older than you that's still love . I think that's time I take out my lovers but if you guys are against it we can do it anther  time .
F:  phineas. You didn't need to say the speech . We get it you want to stick to the plains you made . So say  we can do what you wanted.  I agreed to it  before like I always do.
P: i know you did. I am pushing your buttons . You like to make fun of my feelings all the time .My ask you why you do it ?
F : that's  because it fun to play with your feelings. Also I do it because I love you. You are too cute not to mess with.
P:) love you too. This date means a lot to me glad you are finally going on it with me
F: me too
They make out
I: Phineas? This can't be happening I am probably just seeing things . did you guys here me? I want know what you guys are doing today?
P: o sorry Isabella didn't realize you came in. I will tell you what we are doing . Will you go out with me ? The plain is to go on a date with me and Ferb. I got everything set up .lt will fun.
I: o Phineas this is a dream come true I thought you would never ask me . Yes I will go out with you Phineas . So happy that we are finally going on a date .
P: glad to make you happy Issy .
I; can I pick the restaurant ? I was waiting for this for a while to do go on a date with you . I chose the one that I thought we would go to. I got everything ready for the date . So ready to be alone with you .
P. I don't think you realize this is a double date. You and Ferb both have to share me on this date. And we are going to the place I built yesterday.
F: if you think I am sharing you with Isabella you are mistaken. Because she will not let me even hold your hand . She will ruin the date .
P:I will bet you ferb isbella will not interfere with my plains for the date . Trust me if she does then I will be mad . Because I spent all day building this yesterday. I even planned out what food would be on the restaurant menu.
F: well I hope everything goes well then because I would hate to see you upset Phineas.
P : I love you both and can't wait show you what you have plained for us today. Hopefully no one ruins it before we are done with enjoying the activity.
F:Some how the invention always disappears . I hope it doesn't today . Love you Phineas
P: love you too Ferb. Let's see what I have in store for you both to do today.  
I : yes I  love dates so much! Whoo Phineas Lets go so excited.
F. Of course you are excited Isabella.


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