Somewhere Between a Hipster and a Witch

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With Ari's help, I am able to make it back "home" in one piece.  Still, that first step into that brick bungalow on Seville avenue was something else.  My life as a twenty-eight year old mature college student was coming back, little by little, and it felt something like what a child feels when they go to a parade or a toy store the first time. There's this moment of stilled awe before the levy of excitement bursts and you just want splash yourself against the entire world.

Yes...yes...this is my home.  

Our brick bungalow is located smack dab in the middle of "College Row", a row of bungalows two blocks away from campus that were rented out to groups of college students who wanted to live near the college.  These houses didn't come cheap and they were always in demand.  For every one group of roommates that planned to move on, there were five or even ten more hoping to take their place.

It was serendipity, pure and simple that lead the three of us (Sadie, Lauren, and me) to this place.  The owner only recently offered the place for rent, and Sadie's mom just happened to be friends with the owner.  Sadie had first crack at it and she was determined to get it.  Lauren wanted in, but the $1800 monthly rent made it impossible to forge ahead.  That's when I came in.  I'd already been acquainted with them and I was already sick of my mom's constant demands that I get back together with Wesley.  My dad, feeling bad for me, gave me a sizeable chunk of money and sent me on my way.

Stepping into my attic bedroom was like coming back to the special hiding place you loved as a child.  It was my special place.  It gave me the peace and quiet I needed to study.  And there was a perk whenever it rained.  I loved to just sit and listen to the raindrops pelting against the roof in a steady, hypnotic rhythm.  Nature's most gentle lullaby.

I loved this place so much.  Yeah, I lived with Wesley in his posh luxury apartment with a pretty view of the city skyline, but this place, this place was mine and mine alone.  It wasn't as big or as posh, but that didn't matter.  This place gave me the space to be myself.  That was enough. Now that I'm looking at it with fresh eyes, I could kick myself for not appreciating it more the first time around.  

There is no way in hell that I'm moving from this place.  Not again.

The owner renovated the place shortly before we moved in which mean I was lucky enough to have a proper closet in that smaller space. Painted in white and grey tones, my bedroom felt felt modern and chic in its own right. I didn't bring much here but I didn't need to.

The moment I throw open the closet door, my knees are like jelly. The noise that I make when I throw open that closet door - it would terrify a pig while piercing a dog's eardrum.

"Are you sure you're okay in there?"  Ari shouts up, alarmed.   "Do you need my help?"

"No, I'm good!" I cry back.  It's all I can do to stop myself from bursting into a million bits of pure elation.  "I'll be down in a minute!"

My eye gobble up the sight before me.  My clothes. How could I forget my clothes? Part trendy sweater-and-jeans fashionista and part modern urban witch, these were all the clothes I chose for myself when I started school. I got sick of playing the part of a prim-and-proper lady and wanted to add a bit of edge to my look. But I still wanted to look put together.  I couldn't commit to being a stylish sweater fashionista or a mysterious, edgy witch.  So, I combined the two.

"Why did I ever give up these clothes?" I gasp, pouring through my closet.  "It all looks so good!  Do I still have...yes?!"  I squeal in delight as I grab a pair black heeled leather boots.  If I could, I would gather each and every piece of clothing and hug it against my chest.  Who knew I'd be happy to see pieces of fabric sewn together?   "The witch boots!  Oh man, how could I forget about my witch boots?  They're so wicked and comfortable! It makes me want to cackle!"

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