A Taste of Iori

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Fandom: Scandal in the Spotlight (Love 365)

Pairing: Iori x Reader

Summary: Iori and chocolate

"Shit!" you exclaim and Iori's eyes widen as you sit up suddenly from the kiss. "I had a present for you! Hold on!"

You scramble off him and retrieve the small box from where you had set it to rest on the bathroom counter.

"You distracted me with your body dammit," you say to Iori who is laughing at you on the bed.

You smile at him and slide your panties down your legs before you climb over him again. The slide of his thick cock between your legs fills you with need and you stutter your movements for just a second to enjoy the feeling.

When you remember what's in your hand, you set the package on his chest. He sits up slightly and the tip of his cock hits against your clit and you shiver. Iori undoes the ribbon and slips it around your neck. He drags you closer with the ribbon and kisses you.

"Thank you for the present," he says, tying the ribbon in a neat bow around your neck before he opens the package and taking out the jar within. "Champagne chocolate spread... what's this for?" he questioned.

"I want to lick it off you." you say, taking the jar and opening it. "You ok with that?" you question.

Iori smirks up at you and dips his fingers into the jar. He sits up and slides his fingers down your chest, leaving a long streak of the golden chocolate. His lips follow, licking up the sweet and somehow bubbly liquid.

"I'm very ok with it" he says, kissing you with chocolate covered lips. "Is this why you made me take a shower?" Iori asks with a grin.

He slides his fingers along your collarbone next and nibbles as he licks up the syrup. A line of red marks come up on your collarbone and Iori leans down to suck harder at a few to make them more permanent.

"Mmm..Maybe" your lips pull into a playful smile as you dip your fingers into the jar of chocolate sauce. You debate where to draw on Iori for a second too long and are surprised by the warmth around your fingers.

You lock eyes with Iori as he licks some of the spread off your fingers. The heat flares between the two of you as his tongue licks your fingers clean of the sweet spread.

"Guess you're definitely on board then," you whisper, somewhat shakily to your boyfriend. He winks up at you and sits up so he can trail his lips down your arm. He spreads some more of the chocolate on the top of your breasts, blows on the gold smear, and then peppers kisses on the patch. When he sees you start to shiver, he scrapes his teeth along your skin. You try to bite back your moan as he starts a trail down your body.

Trying to regain some control of the situation, you dip your fingers in the jar and trail them over your body to the outside of your thigh, mapping out a course for Iori that didn't lead directly to your cunt.

The trail you traced looped around your nipples and flowed down your ribs to your hips, swirling in circles before drifting off suggestively to your core. You watch Iori's eyes chase your fingers with lust until you're finished, swiping the last of the paste on your clit. You wink at him, earning a smirk, and lay back on the bed to give him access to the line of chocolate.

Your whimpers from the light touch spurs him into action and he is leans down to press a kiss to the beginning of the trail. Your nails dig into his shoulders when he reaches your nipples, moaning as he goes off course to nip at your peaks.

You can feel his smirk when he gets to your hips. He bites at the patch of drying chocolate, scraping it off with his teeth. You shiver at the rough treatment but can't focus on it too much when you know how close he is to giving you what you really want. Suddenly, his lips close around your clit. He sucks the hard nub into his mouth, moaning at the mixed taste of chocolate and your arousal.

When he pulls back you whine from the loss of contact and try to pull him back down to your core but he resists. Instead, he lays down on his back and picks you up so you are straddling him. When you raise an eyebrow he just smirks and twirls his finger in the air, motioning for you to turn around.

Getting the idea you turn your back to him and face his cock, admiring how hard he is and sliding your fingers up to his head from the base. You let out a little laugh as his erection jumps towards your hand but the laugh dies in your throat when Iori suddenly tugs your legs back towards his face. You moan when you realize he's positioned your core directly over his face, his hot breath washing over you.

Not wanting to be the weaker one at this moment you stretch your arm out for the jar of chocolate and create a neat little stripe of the sweet sauce up the bottom of his cock. You lean over and hum as you press kisses to his cock, knowing how much he hates being teased.

Iori won't give up control without a fight though and he presses his tongue flat against your opening just as you take his cock into your mouth. You moan against his cock as he slaps your ass for teasing him like this.

You're both too turned on for much finesse though so both of you grow sloppy quickly. Drool trickles down his cock as you take him as far as possible, bobbing your head in time to his licks on your clit. You can feel both of you growing close but Iori pulls you back from his cock, instead, he holds you upright as he coaxes you into an orgasm.

His fingers massage the walls of your pussy, brushing against your g-spot as he alternates pressure on your clit. The sensations have you crying out his name and raking your nails down his arms - now wrapped around your hips to keep you upright and against his face.

You slump forward on to the bed after the powerful orgasm and vaguely protest the idea of another round as Iori moves you so your ass is in the air.

Instead of the usual press of his thick cock into your cunt, his hands drift over your ass and then leave you for just a moment. Iori dips his fingers into the jar and comes back to slide the chocolate over your ass. You can feel him write something with the gold colored liquid but you can't tell what.

You hear the telltale signs of him jacking off behind you, calling you his dirty girl and telling you how good you make him feel. His voice breaks as he tells you how fucking good you look when you cum and how much he missed seeing your face just a moment ago and soon you feel stripes of hot cum hit your ass and lower back.

Iori slumps down next to you and tries to catch his breath as his hand slides down your back soothingly. "Can I take a photo?" Iori asks quietly behind you, stroking up and down your thigh gently.

You nod and close your eyes, listening to him go retrieve his phone and come back to bed. He moves your legs a bit and you realize he's taking a photo of your ass so you slide your fingers down to your cunt, slipping into your opening and moaning.
You know how much he loves watching you get yourself off so you figure it's the perfect touch for his lonely trips.

When he's satisfied with the photo, he drops back to the bed and then connects your lips, the taste of chocolate and cum mixed between the two of you. You pull away smiling and Iori tilts his phone toward you to show you the photo of your ass with his cum and the word 'mine' written on it.

"Hm... seems like a shame to take only one photo" you say breathily, scratching your nails down his chest as your body warms at the thought of another round. His answering smirk is all the encouragement you need.

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